leave him or keep him?

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    • leave him or keep him?

      My ex cheated on me. He's older than me, and he cheated on me with a girl younger. He told me he was thinking about me when he was with her, which is the classic response to a scheme, and told me he felt so bad that he was thinking about comitting suicide.
      For the past 2 days he's been trying to get me to go back out with him. He told me he loved me, and he wanted to be with me forever.
      So I told him, if he loved me why would he do this to me? his response was that he just now figured out that I was the girl for him. We've been together only 2 months. he messed up bad..
      I found out, over the internet with comments that they posted to each other. This girl is saying that she loves him, and ovbiously he comments back and is totally into her..
      so what i need help with is... should i give him another chance? He genuinely seems like he wants me back and won't do it again, but forever i will have doubts that he's cheating on me.
    • Re: leave him or keep him?


      The dude cheated if i was in your shoes I don't think i could get pass it enough for him to be forgiven. Once a cheater always a cheater. It sounds like he's playing games with you and he's trying to win you back to prove that he's got swagger.
      If he loved you wouldn't had done it period. It doesn't matter how long you have been dating plain and simple.

      The second sign was the comments over the internet. That shows you he's using you as a side and not putting you as his number one. You need to talk to the girl and see what's really up between him and her, that's only way your going to find out the real truth. If you having doubts and your not sure about dating him. He lost all his chances.

      I've dated one guy before while in High School his name was Josh and He dated about two months like you did. He cheated of course with a girl i knew. I was pissed, didn't talk to him for maybe a month even longer. He tired to get me to come back to him but in the end my heart and generally i knew I couldn't get passed the cheating part. Some people can some people can't. I don't think you take him back as I said.
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      .. i know in my heart i shouldn't take him back.. but..
      i'm a sucker for sweet talkers.. like guys just.. idk.
      i'll give in.. and i know i shouldn't, but i want to...
      so should i just.. not talk to him?
      what if he really is sorry? and wouldn't do it again
      and i just leave him anyway with no chance of recovery?

      i know my thoughts are jumbled.. i apologize. it just happened so recently..
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      If he is actively involved with her, then he a: isn't terribly sorry, and b: isnt a guy you want to try and be with. By saying he loves you, hes not only being disloyal to you, but also to the other girl. You're both being played. If he cant make up his mind, make it for him... Its not worth getting in deeper with him only to have your heart ripped out, chewed up, and spit out. sorry you had to experience this.. I know it can be painful =[:hugs:
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      Let me tell you, My friend is dating this ignorant guy. He cheats all the time and she takes him back. I try and be the best friend and support her and let her make her decisions on her own thoughts. I think recently she's beginning to realize taking him back every time was a mistake. Because all it brings it hurt in her life.

      We can't make the decision for you, all the support leaders and some members can do is to give you the advice that you need and hope you take maybe use it during your decision process. Think about this way, What if he says he sorry and he makes a repeat? Then what? the egg on your face and you'll feel regretful for letting him back.
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      alright alright..

      but i'm not ready to lose him.. he's the only guy i thought i loved.. i mean we had something..
      and if i dont' date him i lose him forever.. idk y but i can't do that.. my feelings are too strong
      yet i know i shouldn't go back out w/ him...
      i can't stop thinking.. wth is wrong w/ me? you know?

      it's only the first time he's done this.. and he keeps saying no one is perfect..

      whats the best way to get over him?

      other than go banging some black cock???
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      know this: the chemicals that are formed when you fall in love with someone are really strong. If you have sex(idk if you did but i assume since hes cheating with someone else, you probably did), the bonding chemicals and endorphins are intensified. Your body and mind associate not only happiness, but much of the pleasure with that person. So its really hard to let go. But going back to someone like that isn't worth your time, and you CAN get over them. Its just harder.

      Not all guys are jerks like that... I'm sorry for you. I truely hope you can let go of him, and find someone worth your while.

      Oh, and I recommend not dating anyone for at LEAST 6 months... because your head will play tricks on you and you may find yourself in a similar relationship or worse and once you've bounced back, you or the guy you are with will get hurt... Or worse, both of you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharxbyte ().

    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      ive been a similiar situation before . and its hard because i dont know the guy your dating ..

      cheating is ALWAYS wrong .. no exceptions
      but .... people do stupid things , without thinking.

      if he sounds like he is truly sorry, then yea i would give him another chance because i know how hard it is to let someone go if u have strong feelings for them. just dont let your guard down :)

      good luck!
    • Re: leave him or keep him?

      6 months :(
      i just want to get over him not become a spinster.. lol =]
      i have a hard time saying no to guys.. like if they wantt to date..
      i've dated someone i didn't even like..

      most of you guys have said to leave him... that he's pretty much not worth it..

      so y can't i do it?

      what's something i can do to get over him? cuz time will only kill me

      The post was edited 1 time, last by shorty ().