I regret the times ... (not suicide)

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    • I regret the times ... (not suicide)

      I regret the times ...

      ... when I had a chance to make a move on you, and didn't ...

      ... when we were in a relationship, and I lied and let things get awkward ...

      ... when I tried to set things straight, and let the opportunity pass ...

      ... when I found out ways to confront you, and never even attempted ...

      ... when we locked eyes, and then walked away from each other ...

      ... but most of all I regret having to put you through those situations brought on by my mistakes, if only I had realized it...


      When people tell me that the best way to advance through life is by learning from my mistakes, I thought about school and sports and such. Never did I think it would tie into my personal life, and how one girl could do so much to me; but worse I hate how I know I fucked up, and I know I had chances to change where it was going to end up but I still never did anything as I was afraid of the repercussions. If I could go back and just take advantage of one of those opportunities than maybe, just maybe I would be with her still and not in this stressed out mood I've been in for over a year. It sucks that I know it will never work out especially now that I have waited so long and haven't done anything. I have tried getting over her but there is always something to remind me of her, whether it be something she got me or did for me or a situation we both went through. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself for both mine and her misery that I caused. I guess that just makes it another life lesson than.

      I always thought that all I had to do was get over her since there are other girls that can be just as close and special out there, but they only remind me of her.

      ... when I rushed into a relationship with the one girl close to me who use to talk to me and hang out with me every day, but hasn't said more than a sentence to me in a year, all because of my fucking mistakes ...