am I a bad friend?

    • am I a bad friend?

      so my best friend has been with his gf for two months and i was there when he first saw her(they started dating two weeks later), I took him to the mall so HE could see his gf(they an hour away from each other), I had him over once so he could see his gf again.
      and whenever me and him are hanging out together he always sneaks in a comment about him and his gf and how amazing she is and its getting annoying.
      and I have liked this girl for almost half a year now and i have not ask her out.

      and recently, i have started to begin to hate him and have begun to be jealous of him b/c he asked her out after meeting her two weeks before, and i haven't asked the girl i like out that i have liked for almost half a year.

      so today i saw his aim status and it was about him and his gf. so idk why i sent him messages saying, 'I hate you' and the like. then i lied to him saying someone hacked my account and i have only been on for 2 minutes.

      so Am I a bad friend?
    • Re: am I a bad friend?

      No. Your jealousy got the best of you. Tell him how you feel, and tell him that that is the reason why you may always seem irritated or frustrated when around them. Maybe ask him to tone down on the comments about their fabulousness as a couple? Talk to him, and work out a good situation for the both of you!
    • Re: am I a bad friend?

      You're just jealous. Your friend has what you want and you even seem mad at yourself for not being able to tell this girl how you feel. Both of these feelings together are causing you to lash out. He's happy and you should be happy for him. I know it's not exactly easy to do, but if he's your best friend, he'd do the same for you. You have to find a way to deal with your feelings, or you could lose him as a friend. They could boil over and you may lash out at him in person and that won't end well. If talking to him about it helps, then do that. He may be understanding and tone it down a little for you. Just make sure you don't make it seem like it's his fault, because it's not. You're not a bad friend, you're just frustrated with the way things are for yourself.

      If you have a chance, tell the girl how you feel. It will help you in this situation. Knowing the answer, even if it's not the one you want, is a whole lot better than wondering. Your friend had the courage to ask his girlfriend out, not everyone can say the same. It doesn't mean he's better than you and if you talk to him about it, maybe he can give you some tips and help you out.
    • Re: am I a bad friend?

      Listen here, mate. You are Ok. Nothing wrong with you.
      The problem you encountered is bloody typical.

      heard of elvis? He has a song called "the girl of my best friend" listen to it.
      And while you do, chew this over in your head.

      I would advice against telling this to either your friend or his girl,
      well, if he cannot figure things out himself ( and he sure must if he knows you well)
      there is no guarantee whatsoever telling will help.

      But it usually depends on what sort of people they are.
      I can happen that he would feel obliged to drop her.

      So, if you still need advice, my would be behave like nothing happened, but forgive your friend. if he is boasting about this gal, well, use deadly satire against him. change subjects.
      tell him that he should write this great stories down in stead of telling you all the bloody time.
      Is the girl soo good that it's worth loosing a friend?? I don't know, but i very much doubt it.

      On the other hand, if you really think that you ought to tell them - go on. See what happens (and tell us).

      If you believe in Jesus try to ask Himself. He likes that sort of situations. They really shape you as a good person.