Need a bit of help in life

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    • Need a bit of help in life

      I didn't really know what to write in the title. I'm not the most unfortunate person in the world by a long shot, and I'd say I have a pretty good life. But I get real down about the most insignificant things, and also about my social life.

      I don't feel there's anyone I can comfortably talk to about it, and whenever I've asked for advice from anyone, I've only ever talked about parts of my life to them. I guess that's how I found my way here, and now I've got the opportunity, I'm just gonna have a rant on it all if you guys don't mind. Just feeling like getting everything out for once, so bear with me.

      I'm not really too sure how to word this thread, or what to say at all, so I'll just give you a bit of background, and then elaborate on the things I'm concerned about.

      I'm a 16 year old male, living in a small city in New Zealand. I go to a Boys only school. I don't play sports, but am interested in drama, comedy and listening to music. My younger brother, turning 13 in a few months, has Autism. My parents are separated, but still get on well together. I live at both their houses during the week. I have about four friends I hang out with at school, but only two I'd consider to be close, and I have a few more who I' not as close to. I generally get on well with most other people in my year too.

      Well school starts up again tomorrow (We've just had our Summer break here), and I'll be in my second to last year. I'll be doing subjects that I mostly like, so it's all good in that area, but I can't help feeling really depressed going in to it.

      I have little to no motivation for things I'm uninterested in (A lot of school work), and I procrastinate like you wouldn't believe when it comes to doing assignments and study, and well, anything else that I generally find unpleasant. But I know I have potential to do very well, and I have done in the past, but since last year, I've just lost all care for work.

      I worry about things. A lot. I'm in the school production, which I did last year too, and hated being a part of it until we started to perform, and so I'm constantly worrying about going to rehearsals. The whole day before one, I dread the thought of going, and yet, when I do go, it isn't that bad at all.

      I don't go to parties, because I'm not in with the sort of crowd that would invite me to them. This isn't because I'm not popular or anything, but because I haven't got too close to anybody, for fear of what they'd think of my brother. It sounds horrible, I know, and in no way am I blaming my lack of a social life on him, it's just that I get really self conscious of what people at school will think of me, knowing what he's like. Because I don't go to parties, and go to a single sex school, I don't really interact with girls. Not that I'm awkward around them or anything, but I just don't get to interact with them much, something I feel I should be doing as a 16 year old.

      I beat myself up over not really having any hobbies, or doing anything extra curricular. At my school, they really push for everyone to do extra curricular stuff. I did badminton for the first couple of years, because I do like it, but gave that up because it was a shit waste of time. I've done the production each year, and started up singing lessons which I enjoy.

      I'm sick of having to carry all my gear between my mum's and dad's. I prefer staying at my mum's because the house is nicer, but I feel bad for my dad when I stay an extra night at my mum's or whatever. My mum is fairly old for a mother, she's 57 or something, and had to give up work as a Psychologist at the local university, because she had to be at home for my brother in case he needed to be picked up from school due to being unsettled. She has her own problems too. She gets exhausted easily, and really stressed out.

      For about 6 straight months my bro went through an extremely aggressive phase. He would hit both students and teachers at school, as well as lash out and have tantrums at home. Much of the time, this would start at about 4 in the morning when he got up. He's since been trialled with various medications, and is now perfectly fine in terms of behaviour, but the drugs have made him over hungry, and he's put on a hell of a lot of weight. Again, not blaming him for anything, but I can't help but think that my life would so much easier and better, if he wasn't Autistic.

      Here in New Zealand, you can get your learner's driver's license at the age of 15. It's just a scratchy test on basic things when it comes to driving. I applied for it mid last year, and failed it. It's probably one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me. I haven't told anyone, so only my parents know. I don't know of anyone who's ever failed it. I just walked in, without any study, thinking that I'd get it easy, but didn't. Most people in my year now have their restricted licenses, meaning they can drive alone. But my mum says I can only go for it again unless I'm willing to pay. That'll probably be about $70 NZD, which I can't afford unless I get a job, which is hard at the moment. Not being able to drive seems to be yet another blow to my social life.

      My dad is really safety and health conscious, most would say overly so. This annoys me because he seems to criticize me on doing the most petty things.

      Look I've probably written too much than was needed, and I could go on, but I won't. This is just all the negative stuff I can think of off the top of my head, but from someone else looking at my life, it'd seem pretty OK. And it is, in fact I'd say overall I have a better life than a lot of others, but ANYTHING negative gets me down and depressed.

      I just feel real shit. Nothing really positive seems to be going for me. I'm just cruising along the line of mediocrity. And yet I know how I want to live my life, I know what I want changed, and ultimately what I need to do to get there. But the weight and effort of it all just seems too much, and so I block it out, and continue living in the same way. I procrastinate on changing. I want and sorta need to change, but have no motivation to at all. I don't know where to start. I guess this is a good first step though.

      Thank you very much for reading.

      ---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

      I just realised that that's the main thing I need help with. Where to start. Change seems so incredibly daunting, and I have no clue in which area of my life I should work on first. I don't know what to do.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WhatAnOddLife ().

    • Re: Need a bit of help in life

      You have a big story there.

      First thing first. You feel you should be happier with your life, because you know it's better than a lot of other. I don't think you should let that thought occupy your head too much. It may be true, or it may not be true. It's still hard to judge on it.
      Try to be happy with your life the way it is, and not how it is compared to others. There's not a describtion of 'a good life'.

      The main thing that bothers you, is that you feel you need to change. I'm not sure in what way you want to change, but i think you know that best for yourself. Realizing is the first step, and that's very good. Next thing is that you're looking for advice as to how to go on to the next step, which is already the next step. So look at the good side of it: You're already going forward.

      If you want to change, look at the things that are in your way. You don't have a hobby or anything, then try to find something. Do what you want to do the most, and don't bother about what others do (like the extra curricular, though i don't know what it is). When you find a good hobby that you can give your all, it's always a good way to let it occupy your mind, even if it's just for a moment. That way you can put yourself together again, and let everything that bothers you to sink in.

      Having an autistic brother is not the easiest thing in life, and there aren't many people who have to deal with it the way you do. It's not neccesary to hide it for others though, because you'd be surprised with how many people will respect and accept it. They might understand you more.

      Getting motivated for school is something a lot of people have trouble with. I've had it enough times. what helped me was to combine the things i love, with my schoolwork. I used music to inspire me, and it made me work harder. I didn't try to think too much about it being boring and stuff, but put my mind to it and got it over with.
      The feeling you get when you've done what you had to do is kind of relaxing. Not doing it just piles up the work and the worry.

      This is my view on things, i hope it's a bit helpful.
      Good luck :)
    • Re: Need a bit of help in life

      Hello, dear friends.

      I can't disagree with Becky over a single word. She is absolutely right.

      Considering your story, i can add nothing new but few little things:

      Dear WhatAnOddLife, I think you'll find that a lot of young people feel much the same.

      Even if nothing is really wrong, we sometimes fell unsatisfied with our lives.

      I think that strange notion is a part off growing up. It's irrational sometimes, and we can't let it overpower us.

      One thing that helps me a lot, is being always grateful with what you already have.

      Sometimes things that i dream of turn out to be not as good as i had expected.

      So in my humble opinion , learning to live with yourself is more important
      then changing who you are

      Unless you are aware of some flaws you want to get rid off that way.
    • Re: Need a bit of help in life

      Hmm I guess I'll chuck in my 2 cents.

      First off, I agree a lot with what Rosebecky said. Second, I don't believe your life is all that peachy either. I know someone with 2 autistic siblings, and he is forced to take care of them most of the time. This has infringed on his personal time and personality heavily. Knowing the difficulties he's had to persist through for the love of his brothers, I have to say that it's admirable that you treat him well. I'm quite serious about this too.

      I went through primary school with 3 good friends, but only 2 went to my school. One back-stabbed me early on because I wasn't cool enough, and the other went a different way when it came to high school. 2 close friends that you genuinely enjoy being with is a fair amount. A lot have none, you know? Many-a-person is lonely in this world, so don't feel different, or bad for that matter.

      I'm 19, and I still don't have my P's license. Don't feel bad about failing your first L's test; it happens to a lot of people even by the age of 17.

      Is there anything you enjoy? Maybe try taking up a club activity, or a sport. Give things a try! You'll never know what you like if you don't give stuff a shot first. Maybe Tennis? Ever tried painting? Perhaps go for a random jog, and see how you like it. Exercise is a very popular pass-time, and it doesn't have to be for/through a sport!

      Be practical about change, mate. My old science teacher once told me "We don't change. People don't change.", and to this day I'm still trying to make him eat his words. Do things in life that you enjoy, not what others enjoy and insist you have to.
      I'm not saying 'change into a radical person', but don't hold back because of fear or a loose concept. As your dad has probably taught you, 'a little bit of fear goes a long way, but so does a lot of fear - neither necessarily in the right direction'; don't hold onto any advice from anyone too hard. Treat everything like a science experiment. You've got some theory, but now it's time for testing.

      Best of luck mate!
    • Re: Need a bit of help in life

      I would have to agree with the three post above me, and take it from me, i'm not too much older than yourself and also not to much different...not really at all - the brother and living in NZ. Your phase will fade out and you'll see there are better things in life, it will get better. As one ince said, " All good thingss take time!"
    • Re: Need a bit of help in life

      While reading your post a few things stuck out to me, so I will choose to focus on those as I feel that the other things will fall into place.

      You say you have a lack of motivation towards things you are uninterested in, to be honest everyone does. The thing is that in order to get anywhere in life or to achieve the things we want we MUST force ourselves to do things we don't like. We all do. It is a part of life. I can assure you that I am one of the laziest, most unmotivated people you will ever meet.. which has prevented me from doing as well as I would have liked to in the past, but I realized that all it takes is a bit of willpower to get things done. You have to force yourself through doing the things you don't like.. sure it is tough to do at first.. but after a while you get used to it. Before anything else, make sure you get what needs to be done first. You will feel a lot better than waiting til the last minute, trust me.. I know.

      Also, you need to stop focusing on the negative things in life.. it is good to identify the things you don't like and need to be changed.. but dwelling on them without action does you no good at all. You say when you are about to perform you get really nervous and worried, but after the whole thing is done you realize that it wasn't a big deal at all. Stage fright is common, but instead of constantly worrying try reminding yourself that you have done these things before and it has always turned out fine. Take a deep breath, relax, and focus on something else or do something to distract you from your worry. You say you don't have any hobbies, but it is obvious you do. I think acting and performing is a great hobby and if it makes you happy then stick to it and don't worry about finding another one.

      A word of advice from someone who graduated from school two years ago: all the little social anxieties and others' opinions of you don't mean shit. When you graduate that all seems to become apparent to you and you feel like a real dumbass about caring so much. Why keep your brother hidden from others? Though he is related to you he really is no reflection of who you are. So why would people judge you for have an autistic brother? Don't let this stunt you from doing the things you want and enjoying life to the fullest. Take care of yourself, do the things you want to do, and don't let others' opinions stop you.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?