How to Avoid Dating a Liar

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    • How to Avoid Dating a Liar

      When you talked to a guy you just met and along with your conversation you felt like somebody you've waited all your life is right in front of you. You never thought that you liked almost the same things and hated almost the same things. Every detail he gave out about himself made you become drawn to him more and more. You instantly made a connection with him, and you couldn't agree more to yourself that he seemed too good to be true!

      Yes, you're certainly correct about the immediate connection with that guy as to be "too good to be true." This is not to spoil your pursuit of a fairytale, but this is to help you protect yourself to not fall into a trap that some jerks use to get a girl.

      1. Step 1
        During the conversation, try to give as much information about you and check if he often agrees to everything you say. It is very important to be able to tell subtle signs that he may just be using the information you gave him about yourself to make up a detail about himself that he can use to make him interesting to you. Lying about himself to make you interested with him is one indicator that this guy is not up for any good. If you are not aware of this kind of modus operandi, you'll be in a really big trouble when you start falling for this guy. That means, there will be no going back for you. You have already fallen in love.
      2. Step 2
        Check his eye movements. A person who is lying will usually feel the urge to shift his eyes to the right, or suddenly focus his eyes to an object.
      3. Step 3
        Check for inconsistency in his statements. The best way to do that during the conversation is to do a follow up after a number of new information he has provided. Try to check if he could still remember saying those at all. If he couldn't seem to recall what he just said, or seemed to take a lot of time remembering them, this is already a warning sign.
      4. Step 4
        When you also ask them about something they have told you, they also tend to repeat the question to give their selves time to come up with an answer.

      Awesome Stinson