Better for the girl to know or not?

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    • Better for the girl to know or not?

      First post!

      Anyways, I've been rejected enough times to ponder this question. Is it better for the girl to know if you like her when you ask her out, for her to be completely clueless, or for her to hear a rumour about it?

      When she knows:
      -She can prepare her responce
      -She either confronts or evoids you

      When she doesn't know:
      -Shock/ Suprise

      When she has clues of it:

      So, before I ask my new crush out, what do you think is the best way?

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      To be honest with you, i think it would be better for the girl to know; it eliminates confusion and paranoidism which causes huge amounts of stress for both parties.
      If you tell her, it would feel better for you emotionally and mentally, it also creates the possibility of you two being together !

      Good luck :)
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      Purpleaye wrote:

      To be honest with you, i think it would be better for the girl to know; it eliminates confusion and paranoidism which causes huge amounts of stress for both parties.
      If you tell her, it would feel better for you emotionally and mentally, it also creates the possibility of you two being together !

      Good luck :)

      But you can still be together if she doesnt know that I like her beforehand, right?

      And if I do tell her, how should I do it? Through a friend, text, or just verbally say to her "I like you" (which would be akward...)
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      just tell her... if she rejects you, try again in three weeks or so... after a few rejections, ask if there's any point in continuing or if you are doomed to wander alone for the rest of eternity. if she dooms you, ask again in another three weeks. then pretend you aren't interested for a month or so.

      or ask her if she likes creepy guys, then ask if it would be creepy if you gave her a random hug, then hug her, then say she smells good, then walk away. optional: tell her that now she isn't allowed to fall in love with you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharxbyte ().

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      sharxbyte wrote:

      just tell her... If she rejects you, try again in three weeks or so... After a few rejections, ask if there's any point in continuing or if you are doomed to wander alone for the rest of eternity. If she dooms you, ask again in another three weeks. Then pretend you aren't interested for a month or so.

      Or ask her if she likes creepy guys, then ask if it would be creepy if you gave her a random hug, then hug her, then say she smells good, then walk away. Optional: Tell her that now she isn't allowed to fall in love with you.

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      it might work =P

      Things like this build confidence. Being able to walk up to a girl, and apparently make a fool of yourself, and not care about it, will a: confuse a girl. usually confused girls are a pain because you have to explain things to them more than once; its good here though, because confusion=mystery.

      b: make you more confident, and less hurt when you get rejected(which will happen)

      confident mysterious guys are in demand.


      Of course, in my opinion the best place to start a relationship is with a friendship. If it evolves from there then it has a much more solid foundation, and if it doesn't, you still have a friend. Once you get to know her, and hang out, you will see what kind of person she is on a level deeper than superficially. the closer you get, the more you will trust each other and the more you will be able to confide. Sharing parts of yourself you would consider "secret" helps knit a strong relationship. The more you share(slowly) the more she is likely to share. Relationships take a lot of time to build. If you get to know her and decide she is worth starting a romantic relationship with, then you have a much better chance at something long term, and you don't have to spend time learning superficial stuff because you already know a lot about her.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Sharxbyte ().

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      if you want advice from a loveless soul(Starting to like that name now heh) I would reccomend informing her that you like her.. If shes willing to go out with you then she will agree if shes not sure she will probly inform you of that and if shes not interested in you then you will know and get over it.

      All 3 Possibilitys will reduce any orkwardness imo.. but eh.. who knows
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      I think it's best if you let her know right away, or as soon as politely possible. Not knowing is uncertainty, and the uncertainty is what leads to most of the awkwardness. The more you communicate the better things will go.

      Also, if you do get rejected, accept it and move on. The person will (probably) be more respectful of you for that, than if you keep pestering them with, "Buuuuut i liek u a lot lol r u suuuure?" :P
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      Jungletoe wrote:

      First post!

      Anyways, I've been rejected enough times to ponder this question. Is it better for the girl to know if you like her when you ask her out, for her to be completely clueless, or for her to hear a rumour about it?

      When she knows:
      -She can prepare her responce
      -She either confronts or evoids you

      When she doesn't know:
      -Shock/ Suprise

      When she has clues of it:

      So, before I ask my new crush out, what do you think is the best way?


      If you're asking a girl out, and she doesn't exactly know you like her yet, I don't think she's going to be completely clueless. She's going to have some sort of inkling that you are interested in something. She won't be totally positive of your intentions and the fact that you like her, but she'll suspect something either way. At that point, if you're already asking her out, I think you should just be straight up with her. Tell her that you like her. It's better to be clear in the beginning. And that way, if she doesn't feel the same as you, you don't have to waste time.

      Jungletoe wrote:

      Through a friend, text, or just verbally say to her "I like you" (which would be akward...)

      I suggest you avoid these (the part in bold) at all costs. Doing it in person makes it more personal and doing it yourself shows confidence. You can't see her reaction through text or if you have a friend do it. They'll just lead to misunderstandings and things will get messy. It's better that you do it yourself. It won't be awkward unless you make it that way. Just relax and don't put so much pressure on yourself. It feels awkward when you over think it and you doubt yourself.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jasmine ().

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      The best possible way to let her know, in my opinion is to leave hints, now hint's can be done slowly or quickly, all your choice.

      What i would do is, add her on facebook or say, msn.
      As a message/PM i would put something like "I'm in love <3" or something that would make her ask you, and when she does, your set.
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      I never liked the idea of asking out personally. To me it would be just a game of flirting and seeing how she responds, wait until the point it is obvious she likes you and just try and move in for a kiss. To me it is kind of like running a crossed a street blindfolded if you don't let her know beforehand, and trying to know her feelings as well.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by FalseReality ().

    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      let her know
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]&#9829;[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]
    • Re: Better for the girl to know or not?

      Purpleaye wrote:

      To be honest with you, i think it would be better for the girl to know; it eliminates confusion and paranoidism which causes huge amounts of stress for both parties.
      If you tell her, it would feel better for you emotionally and mentally, it also creates the possibility of you two being together !

      Good luck :)

      i agree.

      you should tell her =]