Best friend fooled around

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    • Best friend fooled around

      Ok so my best friend who has pretty much been the person who I have loved the most for years slept at my house the other night in my bed after we had had a night out. I climbed in because, well, It's my bed and I sleep there. Not long after after having slept for a little bit we both wake up a little and end up having sex for a while. It was amazing. It was something that I would never thought would happen. He was that person for me that I always had a special spot thing for as I grew up. Recently he told me that he was interested in trying something with a guy which, to my great surprise was thrilled at the thought of possibility as I had completely resigned myself to the reality that everything I thought to myself would be no more than a fantasy as he'd always claimed he was straight.

      The day after we are just as close as ever as usual but no mention of the night before, as if it didn't happen.
      What I want to know is what course do I take from here? :confused:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lelouch: typo ().

    • Re: Best friend fooled around

      For as long as he denies it, you should. At least in public of course. If you feel the absolute need to talk to him for a legit reason about it, bring it up lightly.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Best friend fooled around

      Well by denying I more meant.. 'avoiding' I suppose. Or just not wanting it to be brought up in public. When you have him alone, just bring it up lightly, like throw in a joke or something. Then ask him 'is there anything specific you wanted that to mean or...?'.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Best friend fooled around

      Thanks I'll try that.

      I was also surprised at the amount of enthusiasm he had the whole time. This was spoken through actions though ofc.

      Also sorry, there was another friend of mine who was sleeping on my floor at the time in the same room. I don't know if he heard us and he hasn't said anything either :s

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lelouch ().

    • Re: Best friend fooled around

      Well I confronted him about it and asked how he felt. He just seemed embarrassed and I said I found it hard to speak about too. He said this is awkward and I told him it didn't have to be. He asked me how I felt and I told him I enjoyed it but I'm surprised that it happened. He said he didn't even know how it managed to happen although I'm sure he made the move on me. Finally I asked him if he regretted it, to which he said he just doesn't want our friendship to be ruined etc. I reassured him that he was fine I wouldn't fall out with him or anything.
    • Re: Best friend fooled around

      If he's willing to talk to you about it, then he's not extremely ashamed of it so that's a good sign. He's not completely into pretending that it didn't happen. As for where it goes from here, that's something you and him will have to figure out together.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.