Jealousy Issues? Please help.

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    • Jealousy Issues? Please help.

      My bestfriend and I have been friends for almost two years now. And she use to tell me periodically how much she appriciates me always being there for here, and all that stuff. But in August, she met a girl named Ashlei. Well, ever since then she's stopped doing that. And stopped texting me back, but texts Ashlei 24/7. Ashlei is 25, and we're 15. Also, Ashlei is my aunts sister, so she's family. No, their not friends because of any drug or anything. But it drives me nuts. She acts like I don't exist. She still calls me her bestfriend, and we still talk and stuff. But it feels like she cares more about Ashlei than she does me.

      Also, awhile ago my friend got caught talking to Ashlei by my friends mom. Obviously her mom had problems with her 15 year old being so close with a 25 year old. She went nuts when she found out the stuff they had been talking about. Like, blow jobs and stuff like that that she would talk about with kids our age. But her mom told her she wasn't allowed to talk to her anymore. Ever since then she's been calling her off of my phone alot. Which bothers me, because she calls just to talk! Like I'm not there at all! I feel like she only calls me her bestfriend because she doesn't want me to get mad and stop being her friend all together.

      Do I have a right to be jealous, or am I just being a jealous bitch?
    • Re: Jealousy Issues? Please help.

      Jealousy is a normal emotion. You have the right to react that way. It seems to me as if your friend don't care for you as much. I think she enjoys talking to a older person because they are more experienced. Your choices are to confront her and see where that takes you-or move on. There are a lot of real friends out there that will be there for you no matter what and they will not replace you. The only problem is finding that real friend.
    • Re: Jealousy Issues? Please help.

      its really an unusual friendship...i dont understand how that girl aged 25 is interested to communicate with your friend. but still, your friend acts wrong. she uses you to keep in touch with that 25 years old girl. if she is so interested to chat with her you shouldnt help her. stop calling her a best friend and do not let her use your phone . if she is so interested , let her find a way to communicate with that girl. i thing you have other friends , who have the same interests like you have
      sorryt for the mistakes, i am a foreigner:)
    • Re: Jealousy Issues? Please help.

      I'd like to let you know that no one can give you the right or allow you to be jealous. Jealousy is an emotion. It's something you feel, it's not an act. No one can tell you to stop being jealous and you just stop feeling that way, because even if you wanted to, it just doesn't work like that.
      So if you feel jealous, then that's fine, you don't have to explain or justify that feeling to anyone. And that goes with any emotion you may feel.

      With that being said, just tell your friend how you're feeling and that you don't appreciate her putting you on the back burner.
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