Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

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    • Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

      My family is highly athletic. We are all ballroom dancers, and are in a stage combat troupe, and we all do P90X together every day. My mom was always interestd in staying thin, she was a dance teacher and works with Beachbody fitness now as an independant coach. She used to be anorexic as a teen. I am a lot like my parents, I enjoy physical activity and value fitness. I just an worried if I value it too much. My mom will always tell me whether I look chubby or not, I am 5'10" and have never been above 143, but I know when I don't look in shape. Last year my figure consumed me. I became obsessed and stopped eating for days at a time, and even tried to justify how I was cleansing my body, even though I felt sick, cold, and tired all the time. My attentiveness in school dropped, but all I could think of was all of the praise my mom gave me for losing weight. I dropped down to about 124 before I had to stop. Over the summer I got super fit, I was eating right and excercising a healthy amount each day. It was easy since I was used to counting calories, proteins, and fat to continue my food related obsession. Recently I have turned Vegan, I was pescatarian before (meaning only eating fish meat), but I decided to kick it up a notch. I know I have control issues, but I am just wondering if this could be a manifestation of my continueing obsession with food and weight? Thank you!
    • Re: Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

      Even if it is a manifestation of your obsession, as long as it makes you eat healthier I don't see the harm. Not eating for long periods of time is not healthy and really not a great way to look good. If you keep up a good exercise routine and eat mostly raw fruits and veggies you will lose more weight, fell better and look better than if you don't eat at all. Just be sure you have a good supplement system so you don't get malnourished and be sure to eat enough to keep your energy up.

      Best of luck with everything.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

      sounds like you're doing a fantastic job!!! The one thing i do (and please take this with a grain of salt because i do not know details and don't want to come off as rude) is talk to your mom about your relationship as far as exercising goes. If it bothers you that she always tells you when you look chubby (and i can tell you with the utmost confidence that you don't), tell her because it sounds like it is effecting you in other areas that don't pertain to fitness.
    • Re: Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

      Um, I think you sound fine. Just keep in mind when you don't eat, you're not doing yourself any favors. When you stop eating, you may be "losing weight." But that is not really your goal. Your goal is to lose fat. Usually when you stop eating you will be losing way more muscle and some fat.

      Just eat well and exercise if you are worried about your body. You will be just as trim looking, it's better for your body, and YOU WILL FEEL BETTER.
    • Re: Anorexia? or Healthy concern?

      I understand why u believe ur fat...when sumone tells u that ur ugly or fat often enough u start to believe mom tells me so everyday so i dont eat very often& i usuallly throw it up when i do...but i dont do it to be accepted by people...I do it cuz it gives me control over sumthin...but next time before u stop eatin for days at a time truthfully think do i need to do this...u are definetly not fat at all!!!! i'm not gona tell u not to do cuz i kkno how mad that makes me so it will probly bother u too but if u do it for control i cant tell u anythin else to do so go ahead&do it ciz the only other way i can tellu to get control is cuttin& that is ALOTALOT worse (believe me i found out the hard waay) but please please please be careful but if u do it to lose weight DONT cuz there are much much safer ways to do that.