Should I or Should I Not?

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    • Should I or Should I Not?

      So here's the thing,

      I've had a crush on my childhood friend for around 5-6 years (yeah, thats long) and around that time, I confessed to her but she turned me down since we were too young and stuff....but I haven't given up yet.

      We stopped talking for a while because of some sort of awkwardness I didn't really understand. Its only now that I have had the courage to be close to her again and somehow I think my effort worked.

      Anyway, I've been repressing these feelings for so long since the time I was rejected, that I want to say that I like her already (yet again).

      Recently, I asked her to come with me to the prom and she asked me to her grad ball, we both agreed as kind of a trade-off kind of thing. Then she tells me that a guy from her review class asked her out to his grad ball but she denied him since she doesn't know him that well; turns out though the guy likes her and she knows. She plans on turning him down since again, he doesn't know her well and she thinks that his feelings are untrue. She also tells me that she has turned 3-4 guys within the past years (including me sadly, LOL! it kinda damages my self esteem cuz I've never heard any girl like me or anything and the bad part about it is, we're both antisocial T_T)

      (I think I just really needed to vent on the last paragraph)

      So anyway, what do you guys think I should do? Should I tell her I like her or should I just hint it? Should I wait or should I just give up (hoping that this will not happen XD)

      Wish I could explain more but I don't really have the luxury of time as of now XD I'm hoping to clear things up if you have any clarifications you wish to address.

      Just a little background on her though, I asked her what she felt about love or something of the like, she said that she does not bother with it yet because she does not know why she would like/love another. This leads me to think that I should wait a little bit more until she does bother with it. What do you guys think? Is she hiding it? Because I don't believe that someone cannot like someone else or cannot be infatuated with another person within the same age bracket when your 17 XD.

      Thank you. You guys rock!
      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]Cabs.[/COLOR][/FONT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Iesh ().

    • Re: Should I or Should I Not?

      I think that by inviting her to the prom you've hinted that you like her.. Just try hanging out with her and see where it goes. It is important that you let her know u like her though or she might get to used to being your friend and afraid of loosing what she has with you already. Which might have been what happened when you originally told her u liked her.
    • Re: Should I or Should I Not?

      Seems like you maybe should wait til she is interested. You should be able to know if she is hiding her feelings since you've been so close. Maybe just spend more time with her. And as the other person said, by asking her to prob, you've already hinted that you still like her.

      Maybe just flirt with her, and continue to let her know you like her. But don't flat out tell her you like her. Eventually you should, but not yet.

      Well that's my opinion. But it's you're choice. Here is something to think about thought when making the choice: If by telling her now, do you have something to lose (her friendship, renewing that awkwardness), or this time will things remain the same if she is still not interested. Do you have something to gain? (well that one is obvious)

      Good luck, hope everything works out.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Should I or Should I Not?

      Well.... to be honest I'm actually afraid that I've been plunged deep into the "friend zone" already.... and that she sees me as "family"

      Exactly as you guys said, I think that if I say that I like her, she will move distant from me or whatever....

      So my question now is... How do I jump out of the "friend zone" and start being more than the good/great friend when in I am in this situation?
      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]Cabs.[/COLOR][/FONT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Iesh ().

    • Re: Should I or Should I Not?

      i think you should tell her about your feelings. there are other boys, who like her as you said, so dont sit and wait till someone will take her attention. just dont press her too much. tell her, that you like her and would like to be a couple and so on. but also tell her, that she doesnt have to make a desicion right now. let the situation naturally develope. dont forget to show attention to her, maybe buy something cute for her, thinh some surprises or smth
      sorry for the mistakes, i am a foreigner:)
    • Re: Should I or Should I Not?

      krisbaliuk wrote:

      i think you should tell her about your feelings. there are other boys, who like her as you said, so dont sit and wait till someone will take her attention. just dont press her too much. tell her, that you like her and would like to be a couple and so on. but also tell her, that she doesnt have to make a desicion right now. let the situation naturally develope. dont forget to show attention to her, maybe buy something cute for her, thinh some surprises or smth
      sorry for the mistakes, i am a foreigner:)

      I actually like that idea. I've always felt that I should take action before someone else does. But again, I'm afraid that saying that I like her will produce a negative effect because we've been friends for so long and she probably thinks of me as, again, "family" now....not to mention her parents, as they probably think the same too...because her mom and my mom are best friends.... and they will probably produce the same effect as her....
      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]Cabs.[/COLOR][/FONT]