How stupid could I be??

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    • How stupid could I be??

      I had a boyfriend that was a long distance thing, then I met a boy where I live. The boy that lives in the same region as me asked me out about a month ago, and we have been dating ever since. But today, he broke up with me because I broke up with my long distance boyfriend, but then got back together with him because the long distance boy said he was going to leave me. So I made the mistake of telling my physical boyfriend about it, and he broke up with me today, because he felt very offended. But i didn't get the chance to tell my physical boyfriend that I am now officially through with my long distance boyfriend. I know it is wrong to cheat, but I can't believe that I got back together with my long distance boyfriend, just to keep him talking to me. It was totally wrong on my part. But how do I get back my physical boyfriend??
      [SIZE=4]Make Life Worth Living:hugs:[/SIZE]
    • Re: How stupid could I be??

      My only piece of advice is to just let him know that you understand how big of a mistake you made. But I can't promise that it will work :(.

      But you should ask yourself you really like the new guy? If you did, why would you have been so desperate to keep the old guy talking to you? Just something to think about.

      Good luck!
    • Re: How stupid could I be??

      The only thing you can do is talk to him. He may not be open to talking just yet, and if that's the case, you just have to respect that and wait. You made a bad decision. If you're genuinely sorry and you really want to be with him, just talk to him about it. He may not want you back, so be prepared for that. Give him space, if need be. If he doesn't want you back, you just have to accept that you made a mistake and learn from it. It's up to him and how he feels. You can't force him to take you back. Just wait it out and see what happens. Like I said, talking is really all you can do at this point.