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    • Callouses....

      lately i've been doing more grip work (static holds, farmers walks) in addition to rows, pullups, and deads, and some other exercises that work my grip like hell. Today during my 1st set of deads, my callous ripped the fuck off. I have heard stories about this happening, but never actually experienced it until today. On my 2nd set of deads, my grip was the weak factor or else i would have been able to hit my set goal. I am going to get some chalk for my next deadlift workout to help my grip, and am wondering if anyone here does anything to prevent callouses from ripping.

      Also, gloves are not an option as i am not gay. :)


      Oh, and i also use an over/under grip already if that means anything.
    • Re: Callouses....

      I've been rowing crew for years and although it has never happened to me, some of my boat-mates have had it happen. Surprisingly enough, chalk is really the opposite of what you want to do at this point. What causes your calluses to rip off is the skin around the callus gets too dry and becomes brittle, the when you do a particularly heavy lift the skin around the callus tears and it pops right off. The best thing you can do is keep your hands moisturized to keep the skin around it strong.

      If that doesn't work, the next step is to take a razor (like the ones you'd shave with) and carefully shaving down your calluses a little, followed by going over them with pumice stone, this will keep the calluses tough but also make sure they are small enough to not get ripped off quite so easily. This may seem gross or even a little unhealthy but, there is no blood and it works like a charm, it is even recommended by the University of Washington rowing coach who runs one of the premier crew teams in the world.

      Best of luck with the lifting.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Maximus1991 ().

    • Re: Callouses....

      Maximus1991 wrote:

      I've been rowing crew for years and although it has never happened to me, some of my boat-mates have had it happen. Surprisingly enough, chalk is really the opposite of what you want to do at this point. What causes your calluses to rip off is the skin around the callus gets too dry and becomes brittle, the when you do a particularly heavy lift the skin around the callus tears and it pops right off. The best thing you can do is keep your hands moisturized to keep the skin around it strong.

      If that doesn't work, the next step is to take a razor (like the ones you'd shave with) and carefully shaving down your calluses a little, followed by going over them with pumice stone, this will keep the calluses tough but also make sure they are small enough to not get ripped off quite so easily. This may seem gross or even a little unhealthy but, there is no blood and it works like a charm, it is even recommended by the University of Washington rowing coach who runs one of the premier crew teams in the world.

      Best of luck with the lifting.

      i don't really mind the callouses too much- just wondering if there is anything to do to prevent it. I would rather have the added value of chalk to help me with lifting the weight up, as i already do some grip work on the side (static holds and going to start farmers walks when i find room @ my gym). I moisturized last time before i lifted, but i don't think that was a good idea as i did deadlifts first thing after dynamic stretching and my grip felt a bit "softer" if you know what i mean. I'll definitely give that a shot though. Thanks man.
    • Re: Callouses....

      JesseRider23 wrote:

      i don't really mind the callouses too much- just wondering if there is anything to do to prevent it. I would rather have the added value of chalk to help me with lifting the weight up, as i already do some grip work on the side (static holds and going to start farmers walks when i find room @ my gym). I moisturized last time before i lifted, but i don't think that was a good idea as i did deadlifts first thing after dynamic stretching and my grip felt a bit "softer" if you know what i mean. I'll definitely give that a shot though. Thanks man.

      You definitely don't want to moisturize immediately before working out because you're right it does loosen your grip a bit. I was merely saying get into a moisturizing routine, like twice a day, say when you brush your teeth or whatever. Chalk won't hurt, and it will help your grip, it just won't do anything to keep your calluses from coming off.

      Also, the tip about the razor is not about cutting off the calluses, just gently shaving them down. It shouldn't negatively affect your grip anf it will make your calluses flatter and tougher. Which, will in turn, make them tougher to rip off and giver you more hand area that is able to grip the weight which will over time make your grip stronger.

      It's tough to explain over the internet but, I have seen it work for several people with the exact same problem you have.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: Callouses....

      Maximus1991 wrote:

      You definitely don't want to moisturize immediately before working out because you're right it does loosen your grip a bit. I was merely saying get into a moisturizing routine, like twice a day, say when you brush your teeth or whatever. Chalk won't hurt, and it will help your grip, it just won't do anything to keep your calluses from coming off.

      Also, the tip about the razor is not about cutting off the calluses, just gently shaving them down. It shouldn't negatively affect your grip anf it will make your calluses flatter and tougher. Which, will in turn, make them tougher to rip off and giver you more hand area that is able to grip the weight which will over time make your grip stronger.

      It's tough to explain over the internet but, I have seen it work for several people with the exact same problem you have.

      yeah for some reason my dad had me moisturize and said it would help lol (he fucking hates my callouses).

      Idk if it's me working on grip work or just getting used to heavier weight with deadlifts, but i am trying to add some more sets and last workout i did 265x5 for 2 sets fairly easily and a last set of 255x5 not that hard at all for my grip. I may or may not use chalk, but if i do i'll probably start when i go for my 1RMs at the end of the month.

      The razor idea i've actually heard of before, but never tried it. If my callouses get worse over time i'll definitely check back here and try that out because it looks interesting. Thanks again bro!
    • Re: Callouses....

      It Is Me wrote:

      Callouses can hurt like shit when doing deadlifts. I can do the workout easy if the bar just did not rub across my callouses.

      haha yeah man definitely. I have been doing static holds and farmers walks for my grip lately (in addition to rows, cleans, and pullups) and it has definitely translated into a stronger grip during deadlifts. Might want to give static holds a try- you'll get some new callouses from them but they work your grip like fucking hell if you give 100% during them.