i want to go out with one of my best friends.

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    • i want to go out with one of my best friends.

      Right heres the situation.
      IM 15
      Within the last few months i have become utterly bored with hanging out with my guy friends at school (due to constant xbox talk.) so i have been made a new group of friends who just happen to all be girls.
      anyways the person i want to go out with in this group:we have grown pretty close.

      i asked her out after knowing her for like two weeks. she said no.

      we go out like every weekend (not in a dating way) and with a few other people. i have her phone number and everything but i can't text her often cause she lives in a valley. we talk a lot on facebook.

      we are both what you might call "rejects"
      everyone knows i fancy her and she does too.(our entire friendship kind of lays on the fact that i fancy her, i make a lot of jokes about it)
      she is pretty shy although she says otherwise and does not like certain people to see us together, she says "i'll never hear the end of it if (insert name here) sees us"

      bare in mind for this bit, we have some very bizarre conversations and we (or I) are very open about our feelings in our facebook chats.

      i asked her if i should bother trying to go after her or if it is a lost hope.
      she said "not necessarily a lost hope."

      another time she said kinda joke'ee, "i would never go out with you, although if you died i would probably regret not going out with you" :confused:
      i'm like " MAKE UP YOU'RE FREAKIN MIND WOMAN IM ALMOST 16 AND I HAVE NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND!!!" (she has also never had a boyfriend as far as i know)

      The other day when i was talking to her she accidentally let somthing slip about who she fancied. this is what happened......
      ME:so you don't know who you fancy then??
      HER: It's not so much that i don't know who i fan............whoops i shouldn't have said that.
      (there is possibly one or two guys who i am suspicious of)

      I have thought about giving up but whenever i talk to her i just love her more and more. I MEAN LOVE
      i have never had a crush on a girl of my kinda social level before now (i always fancied the......................... hmmmmmmmmmmmm "super hotties?")

      i'm going swimming with her today at 12:30 (it's 1:31 am in england now so i have about 10 hours for help from u guys and gals before i go and see her)

      oooooooooohhhhhhh yeah and she said she might go to the year 11 ball with me next year!

      k sorry for the kinda random order i wrote this in, im kinda tired. When i wake i want to see lots of nice positive comments saying stuff like:
      "man this girl wants to have sex with you now, you just need to do this......"
      (or not)


      thank you for any helpful help i get. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by oscarius4: missed a vital fact ().

    • Re: i want to go out with one of my best friends.

      When i wake i want to see lots of nice positive comments saying stuff like:
      "man this girl wants to have sex with you now, you just need to do this......"

      I could potentially tell you that. But that doesn't make it true. Wouldn't you rather hear an honest opinion rather than one that you want to hear?
      Anyways.... you've already tried a couple times. She's also declined every time, but hasn't completely left you out of the running. You still have a chance to be with her as more, but right now I doubt things are going to change much. Maybe she's not up to dating anyone right now, or maybe she's not allowed to or something like that. Whatever the reason, she only wants to stay friends with you, nothing more, nothing less. I suggest staying right where you are for now, push too much and it might annoy her a little. You might be ready, but she isn't, so give her time to decide what she wants. Enjoy your time with her swimming, but it might be best to think of it more as just two friends right now. I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you were hoping to hear, but it's what I honestly think. Just keep things cool for now and see how things turn out. ~Brandon
    • Re: i want to go out with one of my best friends.

      went swimming today we all got kinda hyper (we were so hyper that i could have thought they were drunk) and we were on my other friends trampoline and we both kissed eachother. not tounges, just cheek while lying on the trampoline together. :) she said i love you.

      is this maybe a sign. me thinks yes! :love1:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by oscarius4 ().

    • Re: i want to go out with one of my best friends.

      Again, you never know with girls. They're more likely to spread the word 'love' around than a guy would. But it seems she does like you. I'm thinking she just isn't quite ready to go all the way into relationship status as of now. She doesn't want to lose the chance with you, she just wants a little more time to sort out other things first. Like I said before, just keep up what you're doing now, and things will turn out okay. :)