How can I become close friends with this guy?

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    • How can I become close friends with this guy?

      I've known this guy for about four the beginning we had kind of a friends with benefits deal going on.( NO sex we just made out, messed around).I kinda got sick of it because he didnt want to commit to me. Now i have a boyfriend and we've been dating for about two weeks. We'd known each other for a bit longer though.. well he hadn't talked to me since I got my new guy until about two days ago and he was saying that he wanted to fight him..i asked him why and he said because he didnt like him and he likes to fight( him and my bf had some issues with each other about a year back)and later that night i was texting him and he kept asking to "see" me but i think it was cuz he just wanted to tick off my bf but anyways i thought it was significant that you know the story before I ask if its possible that i can end up being really close friends with this guy because even though to like everyone he's acts like a jerk, you can tell he's a good person but just hasn't had the best life. and hes very valuable to me and i still like him alot, even though i know we'll never be together i still would like to be friends with him but how can i do this?
      [FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]The road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination[/FONT]
    • Re: How can I become close friends with this guy?

      Why don't you explain all of that you just said? If he's really as decent as you think he is, then he would understand that he needs to stop trying to start things with your boyfriend and with you as well. If he doesn't agree with that, then why chase him? You have no obligation of satisfying everyone. You just have to forget about other people sometimes.
    • Re: How can I become close friends with this guy?

      Just let him know right then and there that you still want him in your life, but only just as friends. However, don't let him know that you still got something for him, because you might just as well ruin your relationship with this new guy. Talk to him and I'm sure he'll listen.

      Good luck.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]