Gay Best Friend

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    • Gay Best Friend

      my best friend that i've known since I was 4, is a lesbian. I found this out about a year ago. Our friendship has not been effected by this. but lots of people spread stupid rumors and people say im gay just cuz i hang out with her. its stupid but ive learned not to care what people think or say.
      there are some things i wish i could change though. i dont like how she's all over girls in public and makes out in front of everyone. i dont know what to do.. if i say something she gets mad.
      another problem i need help with is her psycho mom. her mom is totally against her being gay. and her mom thinks i tell her everything, like when my friend lies i have to back her up (which is fine) is there anything i could tell her mom that might help in all of this?? should i just stay close with her mom cuz i know sometimes i do help out. i guess i just wanna know if anyone else is in my situation, or if you were what would you do??
    • Re: Gay Best Friend

      Yeah, I'm also against PDA - doesn't matter if people doing this are str8 or gay. It's rude.
      For mom problem... Idk how close you are, but I'll stay out of this. You can maybe slowly try to show her it's all OK but.... Thing is I have same "project" with one friend, he was quiet homophobic before but I'm trying to gradually introduce him to gay&lesbian rights, movies, parties etc and now he is almost totally OK with it (but it lasted few years and he's my friend, not a grown up person).