What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

    • What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      Blogthings - What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You Are KFC

      You are down home and traditional. You appreciate a home cooked meal that reminds you of your childhood.
      When it comes to choices, pleasure always wins out for you. You never sacrifice quality of experience.

      You are not anxious to try new things. You tend to be both personally and fiscally conservative.
      You like to be comfortable and safe. For you, there's nothing better than feeling completely cozy.
    • Re: What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You Are Burger King

      You are edgy, irreverent, and a risk taker. You enjoy anything that's bold and brash.
      You say whatever is on your mind, and you occasionally offend people... but mostly you just entertain them.

      You are very unique, and you don't like following rules. You like to have things done your way.
      And just because you do things your way, it doesn't mean you're stubborn. You're the first person to experiment and mix things up a bit.
    • Re: What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You Are Taco Bell

      You are a daring, energetic, and outgoing person. You love to mix things up a bit.
      You get bored by routine, and you need a lot of novelty in your life. You're always looking to try something new.

      You hate mundane day to day tasks. You love to be creative and think outside the box. You abhor busy work.
      You like to take lots of breaks. You try to inject a lot of fun into your day, and you love to goof off with your friends.
    • Re: What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You are McDonalds

      You are an positive, friendly, and welcoming person. You are someone who can always be counted on.
      You are loyal and true to your friends. And in return, your friends are very loyal to you.

      You are a steady and reliable person. You are always up for some fun, but you take care of your responsibilities first.
      You are a bit old fashioned, and you don't change much over the years. That's a good thing, because people love you the way you are!

      What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My!

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You Are Wendy's

      There's something old school and quaint about you. You appreciate quality and like doing things the right way.
      You are down to earth and practical. You want a meal that's filling and tasty... nothing more.

      It's likely that your taste and habits haven't changed much over the years. Why mess with what's working?
      You are calm and easily satisfied. You find a lot to be happy with in life, and you are truly content.
    • Re: What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      You Are Subway

      You are active, modern, and on top of trends. Taking care of yourself is important to you, even if you don't always do it.
      You like to have a lot of control in your life. You are a high achiever who doesn't compromise.

      You are an active, "take charge" type of person. You don't complain or blame other people for your problems.
      You do your best in life, but you also cut yourself a break. You know it's all about balance.

      What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

      Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]