how many scars do you have?

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    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      Eh yeah probably wrong section but I have a bunch of self-inflicted scars on my left shoulder, and five sizeable lighter burns on my arm from when I was an idiot too. A bunch of accidental scars all over my right hand, cigarette burns and scrapes, some pretty much permanent paintball welts on my back from where I did a stunt for Youtube and stood in the shower without a shirt on and only wearing jeans and let my buddy shoot me from like six feet away with his paintball gun. Another pretty much permanent welt on my right leg from the same incident. Of course my cancer scar across my belly where they took out my right kidney where I was a baby, and my chemotherapy scar right above my heart. Eh formspring me I suppose. I have fallen to a new level...
    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      I have a bunch of old cutting scars on my thigh and arm. At one point I had 121 marks, but at the moment I think I have perhaps 27-35. It's been about a year, so I expect a few more to fade with time as well.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell
    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      I have one above my eye that's probably my favorite scar. Reminds me of my old dog. I also have huge scars on both of my knees from when I was younger. I was always outside, usually on my bike, and I was reckless. I have tons of scars on my arms from my cat, but they tend to go away eventually. I think that's about it.
      [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][CENTER]Block out all your demons with
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    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      haha wow scars? one bad mother fucker on my leg 4 inchs long from a chain saw [im not kidding] that one didnt hurt... until my mom said we had to clean by scrubing it with a over sized tooth brush to get the chain saws oil out of it talk about a painful day:o:o:o. i have tons on my right hand from a motorcycle crash someone without working tail lights put my hand threw a tail light lens [i have pics but they are so gross im sure id get - rep for posting them] after the crash it took 2 min for the medics to get there they said i had already lost 2 liters of blood and they said that if they would have been 2 mins later i woulda been dead from loss of blood. i could see my bones on 2 fingers the skin split right up the middle and the bone was sticking out. from this hole crash i got 5 stitches 2 broken nuckles and like 10 scars. if anyone wants to see the pics after the stitches ill post them up lol. i got a scar on my chin from when i was 5 i trip well running and scraped my chin over the heat vent in the flood. i got one on my stomic from whiplash from a winch cable braking. i dont have scars from it but i had my foot ran over and broken with a tractor. anyways thats enough looking back at horror for now
    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      NBstunter wrote:

      haha wow scars? one bad mother fucker on my leg 4 inchs long from a chain saw [im not kidding] that one didnt hurt... until my mom said we had to clean by scrubing it with a over sized tooth brush to get the chain saws oil out of it talk about a painful day:o:o:o. i have tons on my right hand from a motorcycle crash someone without working tail lights put my hand threw a tail light lens [i have pics but they are so gross im sure id get - rep for posting them] after the crash it took 2 min for the medics to get there they said i had already lost 2 liters of blood and they said that if they would have been 2 mins later i woulda been dead from loss of blood. i could see my bones on 2 fingers the skin split right up the middle and the bone was sticking out. from this hole crash i got 5 stitches 2 broken nuckles and like 10 scars. if anyone wants to see the pics after the stitches ill post them up lol. i got a scar on my chin from when i was 5 i trip well running and scraped my chin over the heat vent in the flood. i got one on my stomic from whiplash from a winch cable braking. i dont have scars from it but i had my foot ran over and broken with a tractor. anyways thats enough looking back at horror for now

      i got two 4 inch scars on my abdomen from surgery, one of them is really wide, because they purposely left it an open wound so they could operate imediatly if there wher complications, fun fun fun
    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      I have like 2 very unnoticeable scars on my face they are only noticeable in the right light when you are 3 inches away. I got one from I was one and put my finger in the door and a piece fell off and they sowed it back together. And i got another one from football when i fell and some guy stepped on my hand.

    • Re: how many scars do you have?

      I have way too many to count, my biggest ones would be:
      1 scar on my tongue from when I bit clean through it
      2 huge road rash scars on my knees from jumping off a two-story building onto pavement
      1 right next to my right eye about an inch long from a fight
      1 8 inch gash on my left thigh from a knife
      Plus lots of little ones from growing up.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]