Can you know just by kissing?

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    • Can you know just by kissing?

      So, basically, I know I like girls. Girls are hot, I connect with them emotionally, etc. However, I'm in high school and being gay isn't exactly popular, so I figured that while none of the girls I'm interesting in are bisexual or lesbian, I might as well experiment with the other gender. Although men are generally ass holes and not my cup of tea... not all of them are too bad. Plus, since i haven't dated many, I can conclude once and for all and be COMPLETELY sure of my sexuality.

      While everything in life is gray, I'd like to be sure about myself. Labeling is annoying, but I find a small comfort in being completely honest and sure of myself. I'm proud of myself for whatever i am- Bisexual, lesbian, straight (HA)- no matter what I'm proud of who I am.

      So I was talking to my friend about this the other day... and she said that I should kiss her ex boyfriend. (why she was SO excited and enthusiastic about it, I still don't know. She practically dragged me to his house to do it)

      And so I was wondering... can you know if your sexuality just by a kiss? Or do you base it more on personality and compatibility?

      I ended up kissing him and my female friend... but neither were emotion provoking or different. I guess because it was awkward and we're just friends?