[CLICK -->] ! I NEED birthday Ideas please ! [<-- CLICK]

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    • [CLICK --&gt;] ! I NEED birthday Ideas please ! [&lt;-- CLICK]

      My Bday was in february but i'll celebrate it in two weeks. The thing is that i have NO idea of what i'm going to do. I've thought about party, but only 6 of my friends are going to come. A Bday party with only 7 people (including me) would be quite sad...Why won't i invite more people? Because i'm a very shy girl who doesn't feel comfortable around people she doesn't know very very well (and vice versa) and i only have 6 very close friends.
      So, i'm looking for a creative thing to do on my Bday, something that'd entertain my friends and i. I'm open to anything but a party.
      I have to know what i'm gonna do by next week, so that they know what to expect beforhand, that's way i'm really stressed right now. I really need your ideas!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by CrystalColoredRainbow ().

    • Re: [CLICK --&gt;] ! I NEED birthday Ideas please ! [&lt;-- CLICK]

      Honestly- it depends on what you and your friends are into.

      My birthday "party" consisted of me and my two closest friends acting like 8 year olds via Play dough, cardboard boxes, and a plethora of toy dinosaurs.

      Because we're too serious normally- and I dunno. it felt right to not act our age.
    • Re: [CLICK --&gt;] ! I NEED birthday Ideas please ! [&lt;-- CLICK]

      I've found parties with just a few friends are a lot more enjoyable then with a bunch of people. I like what horsechik said about having a hotel party. You guys could go swimming, hang out, watch movies, all the fun things. If thats not possible though, try going out to dinner and miniature golfing, glow in the dark bowling, laser tag, something where you can run around and have fun.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling