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    • What experience have you had with anorexia? Do you know anyone who's ever had it? What did you notice about them, and such, as their conditioned worsened? I'm just looking into, hoping to get first hand knowledge from someone so I can compare it to what I'm feeling.

      I don't think it's even close to anorexia, but sometimes I find myself evaluating my feelings, and it seems a bit over the edge the way I act sometime. I'm 5'7.5" and I weigh around 105-108. I practically cry when I see a number over 108 on the scale, I don't know why, it's just how I react. I do weigh myself everyday. At points in the day, I look back on things I've done and contemplate on it being unhealthy. At my worst moments, I'm practically screaming inside, frustrated at not being around 100 pounds or less, and about recently becoming a 0, rather than a 00. I know it sounds bad, but as a kid I was always the skinny one, and to me there's just something frustrating about not getting those comments about being skinny anymore. I do, just not as often. It almost sounds a bit conceited, or self-centered. :( I have a food log, and at certain days my calorie goals around 500, but it's not very often, and it's usually after I have a bad day. I'm almost always playing with the fat on my legs, thinking about how it shouldn't be there.

      I started getting these concerns when my friendship started drifting with a really close friend of mine. We still hang out a lot since we're part of the same circle of friends still, but whenever she talks to me she tells me that I'm fat. Or to go die. I know she's kidding, but she says that all the time, and on my weakest days that can actually affect me. I don't think this is the only reason I feel like I should be skinnier, but I can pretty much say it affects me.

      Thanks to anyone who read this, I just want your thoughts. I know it's not as serious as anorexia, but do you think it could be really going in that direction? This is generally my train of thought when I'm thinking clearly. I usually tell myself that I should just stop with this whole food evaluation thing when I'm in this state, but it doesn't matter because eventually I'll end up feeling the same way again, not that I'm fat, just that I should be skinnier. So enough ranting, thanks again, I'd just like to hear thoughts from people who've had experience themselves or other people; actually, just anyone for that matter. Just thoughts. Thanks. :)
    • Re: Anorexia?


      I can't say i've personally ever had this problem or know anyone that has had this problem but I know there are a lot of people out there that do, your not the only one so don't worry.

      Personally, what it sounds like to me is that, mentally, your trying to fill a void without even realizing it. You had a really close friend, who you could trust and rely on and once that relationship started to break, i'm sure it hurt you mentally quite a bit. So now your bodies trying to fill that void, where your friendship used to be with other stuff (like your weight obsession) but it's having a hard time because, well, it's not your friendship.

      It's hard to explain but basically mentally your looking to have your friendship back but without even realizing it your trying to find other things to fill that void, like the weight, even though theres nothing wrong with you. But, you obsess over it because, well, you do. What you need to do is find something else that makes you happy. Find a hobby, a sport to play or maybe even a new relationship with someone.

      Do I think it's going to lead to anorexia? No, not really. Just keep it in check, try and shake the habit. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you you'll be just fine. It happens to all of us we all have different ways of coping with stuff and in your case it's the concern with your weight. Just as I said, try and shake it.

      Be strong Halsey and you'll make it no problem. :)

      " It's not about how hard you can hit..
      .. It's about how hard you can get hit, and get back up!"
    • Re: Anorexia?

      Hey there :) I realy hope you take the time to read this...

      To start off, no i don't think you are Anorexic but i do think you have a weird way of dealing with food. I have been "dealing" with food weirdly too and i kept telling myself it wasn't bad because i was eating more calories than i thought an Anorexic would but i actually developed an Eating disorder.
      It's hard to admit to having an eating disorder but its harder to make it stop... . . Last year, i was alot like you are now, but i was heavier. At 15 and 5"6 i weighed 127.5 pounds and thought i was fat. I already lost some weight the year before but the compliments stopped and i got paranoid thinking i was HUGE. I started weighing myself everyday before school and sometimes even twice a day. If weighed more one day than the day before i felt worthless. I started counting calories and petty soon knew what i would allow myself to eat and made strict routine of when to eat. I set myself a goal this summer to lose weight for school until i was 55 kg, 121 pounds. I lost the weight really fast because i ate 800-1000 calories a day and went for 1 hour runs every day. Because it was so easy i kept going and at my lowest i was 110 pounds.
      I lost my period, my hair breaks, i have dry skin, all my nails broke, my hands and feet are never warm, i get dizzy, i get intense headaches, im always tired and i have terrible moodswings. I nearly killed myself in November when i got swine flu because my body could not handle the virus. I NEVER thought that this could ever happen to me but it happened and not over a year, im talking months here. I ate more than you do, i weighed more and i nearly killed myself. I can't believe how much you sound like me just months ago, also with the friend thing. My best friend failed her year and we never hang out anymore, i dealt with it by not eating which would make me more depressed... . Even the legs thing, i used to measure my legs during class by seeing if i could fit my hands around my thighs.
      You're probably thinking "why is she talking about herself, laaaaame" x'] but i just thought i should warn you that it can get pretty bad and im trying to tell you how it went for me because maybe it will help you :)

      Well, im sorry that this post is pretty long :D but its my story as short as i could tell it.

      xx Bounty:p