My life has been wasted

    • My life has been wasted

      i look back on it and ive totally wsted my life
      i left school when i was in year 12
      i workedfor my dad in his shop but i nev got long wif the guy who managed it
      so i left it thinkin i could get a job somewhere else
      i have never got a job since i left, this was months ago that i left and dont wanna go bac
      2 my dad either
      im not smart, i didnt exctly try to revise in school but i never was smart but my mum
      always believed in me n kept sayin dat i was smart but i know myself that i dont have
      brains to do maths or english n i failed most of my exams
      ive done sum work online but i dont lik it... i dunno what to do, im not smart compared 2
      my family
      ive always considered just going away and finishing myself or something, but i know my
      mum couldnt cope as she always believed in me but i always knew myself that i hadnt
      got brains to do go to college and universith
      what do i do, bt i dont care anymore as ive laready wasted most of my life
    • Re: My life has been wasted

      Your life isn't over and it would only be a waste if you went off and 'finished yourself'. It's not too late to turn things around and get yourself on the right track again. It's all up to you, though. You have to be willing to make a change and put the effort into changing. It's not enough to just want it. You have to actually do something. Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help at all and you're only going to make yourself feel worse. Sure you've made mistakes, but everyone has. Now, you have to learn from them. The past is the past. You can't go back and undo anything. Focus on the present and doing what you have to do to give yourself a better future. Start now to give yourself a past you won't feel so regretful about. It's not too late.

      Look into taking classes online again or going back to school. Look at your different options and see what will suit you best. Stay motivated and don't bring yourself down. You're not stupid, you just have to try, and not give up on yourself. Not everyone can learn material and have it click right away. If you need a little extra help, seek it. Don't be afraid to get help from other people. It's only going to benefit you. And if you know certain subjects aren't your strong point, study. Go over the material and practice it until you know you got the hang of it. You have someone that believes in you. Don't take it for granted, and start believing in yourself.

      Like I said, it all comes down to you. No one can force you to do anything. If you want to change, do it.
    • Re: My life has been wasted

      If you keep thinking you're not smart then it'll be true. But if you believe in yourself and just try I'm sure you can get places. :] Lots of people have felt like you but tried and really had a good life. I used to feel like I wasted my life but I got out there and changed it and believed in myself and now it's a lot better. If you end it now then it's a big waste. Your life is not wasted you have more years to come. Don't think you wasted most of your life, think about how you can spend the rest of it. You can make it.
    • Re: My life has been wasted

      22J2 wrote:

      i look back on it and ive totally wsted my life
      i left school when i was in year 12
      i workedfor my dad in his shop but i nev got long wif the guy who managed it
      so i left it thinkin i could get a job somewhere else
      i have never got a job since i left, this was months ago that i left and dont wanna go bac
      2 my dad either
      im not smart, i didnt exctly try to revise in school but i never was smart but my mum
      always believed in me n kept sayin dat i was smart but i know myself that i dont have
      brains to do maths or english n i failed most of my exams
      ive done sum work online but i dont lik it... i dunno what to do, im not smart compared 2
      my family
      ive always considered just going away and finishing myself or something, but i know my
      mum couldnt cope as she always believed in me but i always knew myself that i hadnt
      got brains to do go to college and universith
      what do i do, bt i dont care anymore as ive laready wasted most of my life

      You have this view because you are choosing to only focus on the negative aspects of your life and your mistakes, etc. and you are looking at them through a magnifying glass. In other words you are focusing on your faults and discounting the positive.

      It is easy for us to see the negative.

      We all make mistakes, we all have things we are good at and not good at. We are NOT perfect.

      Focus on your strengths and exploit them as much as possible.

      Sometimes we focus on what we don't have and we forget the many good things we already have.

      Good luck.