Am I depressed?

    • Am I depressed?

      Hi. My name is Kevin and I was wondering if you think that I am depressed and how I can do something about it. Ok, so one of my main problems is that I really have trouble approaching new people. To people that see me, they wouldn't think that I am shy at all but if you put me in a room full of strangers without any of my friends, I probably wouldn't talk to anybody much...

      I never get invited to any parties like I did when there were only a few. Like 90% of my friends end up going how ever I am never invited. They have all made a lot of new friends but for me its pretty much the same friends from the past few years. You could think of me as like one of those kids that is friends with most people but like doesn't see them after school... I'm so pathetic I'm in 10th grade and I'm still square... All those friday nights where people are out having a good time, I'm just locked in my room on my computer... I don't know what to do. I feel so down all the time, mostly when I'm at home... because I feel very unwanted.

      I think that if I had a girlfriend or something, I would have someone to be with and I wouldn't feel so helpless and constantly lonely. I just have to take more chances and try talking to more people, just my selfesteem, although it may seem high, it is low... Is there like anyway that I could get anti-depressant pills or something without a perscription? I live in Canada and I'm not worried about the cost its just that I wouldn't want my family to find out since they would probably just laugh at me...
    • Re: Am I depressed?

      You are exhibiting mild forms of depression due to the fact (as you explained) that you feel lonely. I dont think you need anti-depressants.

      What I see more appropriate here is that you learn how to express yourself and communicate. It seems like you have those friends because they came and talked to you. The good thing is that you seem to be a nice and charming person that when people come and talk to you you dont behave inappropriately or tell them to get lost. You are a likable person once someone gets to know you.

      It seems like you might benefit from like communication training so that you don't let that anxiety you feel when you are with other people take a hold of you. You are viewing yourself negatively in this respect, you are judging yourself by the amount of friends you have. Dont be so judgmental of yourself. Relationships come and go but you have to deal with your social skills to approach people instead of them approaching you all the time.
    • Re: Am I depressed?

      I don't believe you need any anti depressants. These are issues that can be fixed without medication.

      You say you have friends in school, but don't see them after school? I agree, this can make someone feel a bit lonely. Why should you wait to be invited somewhere? I spent most of last summer at home because no one invited me anywhere. But then I got with my more outgoing friend, and started events, like inviting a bunch of people to the movies. I think you could try that. Instead of waiting to be asked to go somewhere, suggest to the friends you have in school. It's not like you are asking complete strangers, they are your in school friends, and you are just expanding your friendship to outside of school.

      And you said yourself that you need to take a chance and talk to people. I know that the self esteem can be a hard thing to deal with, but it is what you said, a chance.
      Think of it this way: You are lonely and sit on the computer at home. What can be worse than that? You have nothing to lose by taking that chance and talking to people.
      And I think if you do that, you'll meet girls, and then you'll get the chance to find a girl you may be interested in asking out. It's all about that first step and taking the chance by talking to people. If you still have trouble with it, whether your shy at the moment, or it's the low self esteem, think that you don't want to stay where you are in life right now. You can solve it. Think of that for that little push you may need right when you are about to talk to someone.

      Good luck, hope this helped a little.
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      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]