I am going to college next year and my dad and I pretty much hate each other :(

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    • I am going to college next year and my dad and I pretty much hate each other :(

      SO I am soo excited to Graduate from High School in May:cool: But, I do not want to head off to college with any regrets. My dad and I since I was in 5th grade, really do not like each other. He always yells at me over stupid things, overanalyzes situations, ALWAYS plays the "What will others think about you if..." card, he always puts me down, he baby's me, and it either always late, on the phone, doing work, or ignoring me. I want to be able to talk to him and not have an argument about something stupid that does not matter. I feel that me self-esteem has lowered significantly in the past few years because he always wants me to think I have to pay attention to what others think about me. Also, he baby's me 24/7!!! I am 18 years old and he MAKES me work for his company (I understand that jobs are hard to find now but now that I am 18 I need to take responsibility for myself and find my OWN job) and I can not work with him!!! He makes me stop in the middle of doing really hard homework to do stuff for him (let dog out, feed cat, do dishes, etc) while he is sitting on his ASS! It makes me mad because he knows with my learning disability, when I stop in the middle of things, I can not focus on it anymore. Then, if he sees my grades drop, he gets all pissed off and its because I am too tired to function in school because I am up all night doing homework and chores he is to lazy to do and I can not stay focused on the homework I have because I have to stop in the middle of it!! I have tried to talk to him and he doesn't bother to listen and it really hurts :(. I want to go to College next year telling myself "My dad and I had a great relationship"! Not "My dad is a douschebag!" What should I do? :(
    • Re: I am going to college next year and my dad and I pretty much hate each other :(

      Well, if you can't seem to get him to listen to you, maybe you should write it down in a letter and give it to him. Let him know exactly what you want him to know and exactly how you feel about everything. It's a worth a shot and at least when you look back, you can say you tried. If you don't want to do that, I suggest you try talking to him again. Make sure you catch him at a time when he's not distracted, and stress the fact that it's important to you. Tell him how he makes you feel and tell him that you don't want to leave knowing that you don't have a good relationship with him.

      In my opinion, that's really all you can do. He has to be willing to change and start stepping up and being the father that he should be. Talking to him and/or writing a letter may or may not work, but like I said, it's worth a shot. Though, at the end of the day, it's up to him. You can't have any sort of relationship when only one person is putting in the effort. Things may not work out the way you want them to, but if you don't let it overcome you, it can make you a stronger person. Even though it hurts to not be close to him, it doesn't have to keep you down.

      Hope this helped.