Advice: I know this girl for 2 years

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    • Advice: I know this girl for 2 years

      I've been friends with this girl for like 2 years. We've been really good friends for the past year and a half. I've seen her go through several relationships in which I helped her cope and tried to keep her happy. Now she was broke up by a kid, I don't particutally like, a couple weeks ago. He broke up with her because of family issues, I don't think he really likes her and told her that. She still likes him a lot but I dont think it's too serious and could get over it in not too long. Now, I've really like her, maybe even love her. I don't see the things I see in her in other girls. I can see a long future between us, like marriage, but not anyone else. I've felt like this for about a year, so I know these feelings are genuine. I've wanted to tell her how I feel, but she is in a complicated time and I don't want to make it worse and don't want to make things awkward if she doesn't feel the same way. Also I don't spend much one on one time with her. I also don't know if she feels the same way. She leads me on sometimes, but I don't know if she means it or even knows she is doing it. Also she says she loves me, I believe it, but she doesn't mean the love I feel. She has been with other guys but maybe she just doesn't realize she likes me and telling her will help. I really have no one to talk to considering I only talk to her about stuff like this. I want to be with her but I don't want to waste my time chasing something I can't have. You should know that i'm kind of shy and can be an isolationist. Any insights or advice would be apreciated, thanks.
    • Re: I need advice

      Well, I suggest you give her some time to get over this relationship. Since the two of you are close, you might be able to tell when she's okay, and you can make a move. If you don't spend one on one time with her that much, you should ask her to hangout and while you're hanging out, drop some hints and flirt a little with her. See how she reacts to it and it may give you a better idea of how she may feel. You're never going to know unless you try. I say give it some time and take some steps towards telling her how you feel, before you actually do it. That way, you'll have a better idea of how to handle it and you can figure out what your next moves should be. You may be in the friend zone, but like I said, you'll never know until you try. If/when you do tell her, just let her know that you'd like to maintain the friendship regardless of what happens.

      Hope this helped. Good luck.
    • Re: I need advice

      Well definitely let her get over the problems she's going through right now. Considering you've been friends for a couple years now usually the "sexual" attraction goes down as a friendship goes up. This isn't always true though, but from what I read sadly it is. When a girl says "I love you", and you're not in a relationship she is most likely saying "I love you" as a friend.

      Another important tidbit (did I just use that word?) Try to get some more one on one time with her. Being with a group of people and one on one time is COMPLETELY different. Mostly because you don't have a chance to lean nerves on other people, and must rely on your own self esteem.

      She may have liked you at one time, but may only see you as a friend now. Anyways give it your best shot and whatever happens, happens.