Being mean=She likes me?

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    • Being mean=She likes me?

      There's a girl in a lot, actually all of my classes that I hang out with quite frequently. I see her as a friend and I kind of like her, too. But whenever I try to be nice or there's a situation were she could be nice-ish, she's mean to me. I asked her if I could borrow her calculator for an algebra problem and reached over to grab it, assuming she'd say yes. (she was done with her work and was reading.) And she stabbed me with her pen. It drew blood. That's an extreme instance. At lunch once I sat down next to her and she turned and hit me on the head with her book, pretty darn hard :bitchslap:. My sister and some friends say say this means she likes me, but I think It's genuine anger. Don't ask me what for, cause she's nice sometimes. Like right now I'm borrowing one of her favorite books, she's trusting me with it. but i bet when I bring it back in perfect shape, she'll hit me. I just don't understand. Any ideas what I could do to either (A). Get her to like me or (B). At least understand what she is doing. :confused:
      [FONT="Courier New"]"We write to make suffering endurable, evil intelligible, justice desirable and love possible." [/FONT]
      — Roger Rosenblatt
    • Re: Being mean=She likes me?

      Have you tried asking her why? You don't have to make it serious or anything. Just casually ask her why she's mean to you most of the time. Maybe that's just her way of interacting with you. She could like you, but I don't think she would take her meanness to the extremes that she takes it. Though, that's just my opinion. She may just be "mean" to tease you. It could really be anything and you'll only know what she's thinking if you ask her yourself. Try to see how she reacts when/if you ask her. Her reaction could be somewhat of an indication of how she may feel about you. If the two of you hangout a lot and she trusts you with things, I doubt that she actually dislikes you. So, just ask her about it and see what she says.
    • Re: Being mean=She likes me?

      well, she's definitely mature. Probably the most mature person in my group of friends. She doesn't laugh at any perverted jokes or during our health unit on condoms and safe sex stuff. but she is funny and jokes about other things.
      [FONT="Courier New"]"We write to make suffering endurable, evil intelligible, justice desirable and love possible." [/FONT]
      — Roger Rosenblatt
    • Re: Being mean=She likes me?

      Bruce_Codwell wrote:

      well, she's definitely mature. Probably the most mature person in my group of friends. She doesn't laugh at any perverted jokes or during our health unit on condoms and safe sex stuff. but she is funny and jokes about other things.

      Anyone who hits people with books and stabs others with pens is immature.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

      The post was edited 1 time, last by isitso ().

    • Re: Being mean=She likes me?

      Bruce_Codwell wrote:

      well, she's definitely mature. Probably the most mature person in my group of friends. She doesn't laugh at any perverted jokes or during our health unit on condoms and safe sex stuff. but she is funny and jokes about other things.

      Then you are all immature. And in case you are thinking, immature + immature do not mix.
    • Re: Being mean=She likes me?

      ComplicatedMind wrote:

      Then you are all immature. And in case you are thinking, immature + immature do not mix.

      lol . well, she's PROBABLY afraid that you're tryna be too close to her ... let her be, and don't bother her.. who knows, she probably like it whenever you get close to her, but she hits you instead ;) MEAN = VIOLENT. you don't wanna be in a domestic relationship do you ? lol