Another stressful Decision to make

    • Another stressful Decision to make

      Right, so i hate school, teachers mostly, really hate them
      I live in a very little town, 80% of the population is over 50 years old, so schools are small, local high school has 140 students, and obviously a very small choice of courses...
      I started high school 2 years ago, went to a ''science and technology'' course, i went mostly for the tech, well turns out it was false advertising, and really there was nothing technology related, so after 8 months, i quit, i had very good grades, considering i never even study, nor do home work, above average for the class, and they killed themselves studying etc...

      SOO last year i decide to go to a computer oriented course, in another highschool, they didn't open that course due to insufficient students, so they put me in a very bad tech course, it was reaaalllyyyy far behind what i already know i had to wake up at 6AM every morning, and only came back at 20:30 PM EVERY DAY, so i quit after a month, also because it cost me 7€ for the bus everyday which is just ridiculous!

      So since october, i haven't been going to school... thought about getting a job, but there isn't anything, even people with phds are fucked with this country.

      so, i have no idea what course to choose next year, i really doubt the course i want to go to will open, which will be either computers, or design, i have cts, so design will suck since we will use our hands to draw(i'm used to CADSOFT programs, but you need a computer for those... school is poor)
      So should i just go to a shitty course and get über depressed and kill myself, or what? :confused:

      I will be 18 this year, so maybe i can apply to those simpler courses with awsome schedules, i really hate full time school, it's such a waste.
      I also thought of going to a language course, i speak english fluently which is a plus, and know some german, and also learning fench at the moment, i love languages, when i was 14 i started to learn russian on my own, got to be able to read, and write, and understand most of it, though i never got the accents right....

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dexter. ().

    • Re: Another stressful Decision to make

      In my opinion- whatever youd o make sure you really emjoy it. I am studying engineering at univesity at the moment and I've decided that I don't enjoy and what I really want to do is music. So I'm going to stick engineering out and apply for music next year because I absolutely love music.

      SO yeh moral of the story= do something you're going to be able to enjoy. IF you like languages then study languages. It's a bit sketchy on the specific emplyment side, but employers in all areas will favour multilingual applicants
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