Feel alone and don't know what to do

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    • Feel alone and don't know what to do

      hey everyone, i met this girl recently and we started talking alot. we have so much in common :). i feel really happy when i'm around her and i think she feels the same. theres one catch :( she's moving to a different country miles away at the end of July. i cant talk to anyone about this because all they'll say is "why do you want to be with her if she's only going to be here for a couple of months?" this made me think and when i thought about it a wave of sadness came over me like a tonne of bricks. i really don't know what to do i can't get her off my mind but every time i think about her i get incredibly depressed knowing that she won't be in my life for much longer and i don't see any point in carrying on if i can't be with her. i need some advice. thanks
    • Re: Feel alone and don't know what to do

      Well you know just because she may be moving far away doesn't mean you can't still stay in contact with her. A lot of people even sometimes have relationships with people they've never and could never even meet in-person. In your case you two have at least met in-person and you know each other pretty well that way it seems. Heck, if you have a webcam, you can video chat with her and it'll be almost like she's right there with you again. Don't give up hope on the relationship just because now there's some distance between you two. :)
    • Re: Feel alone and don't know what to do

      Come on embrace the moments you have together....dont feel sad that she is going, be happy she is there today....talk about what you are feeling with her, maby she is feeling the same thing who knows......

      As TakeMyHand said, today you can keep in touch with people from the other side of the globe....there are web cams ect....its not the same like being with her in persone but you will make it work if you really want to....

      Of course it is a big dissapointment to find out that she will be moving away, but dont think about the negative side, spend as much time as you can with her....so that when she moves you can talk about those times and smile .....

      Be pro-active, use your time together, and talk to your friend about your feelings....she is the best persone who can help you out.....maby she will need your help overcoming the same things.

      I hope this could help, remember we are only a post away if you need any further help.
    • Re: Feel alone and don't know what to do

      In addition to what these two guys said, I think its important to have pepole in your life that are from other places and that arent affected by whats gong on in your immediate life. My advice is to combine what those two people above me said, and to allow that relationship to help your other relationships in your immediate life.
    • Re: Feel alone and don't know what to do

      Oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear (read?) that it, it sounds horrible. I don't know what to say that might help...

      Oh! Time! You know how people always say "Time heals everything in the end, just give it time, you'll be fine"? Well I was told that all my life, and after this girl broke my heart, it's all that my counselors and whatever else would tell me. It used to piss me off so much, because for two years, it felt exactly as it did the first day. It actually got worse because by the end of those two years I'd lost all of my friends! But anyway, the reason I mention this is that, well, I'm fine now. I can hang out with the girl that broke my heart and I don't feel anything romantic towards her at all, in fact, we're pretty close friends, I've had a girlfriend since her and whole lot of flings, and I'm totally healed. I don't think it was just time by itself that did it though, it was me! I did it! Time doesn't heal shit dude, if you want to feel better about loosing something, then go and busy yourself with shit that makes you happy and is important to you, if you do that, then eventually you just wont be as upset about whatever it was.

      As for these next few months... enjoy it while you can. =[