Tips for Improvement (girls only)

    • Tips for Improvement (girls only)

      haha... I know it sounds stupid and I know people with keep trying to say things like "You don't need to change who you are!", but I want people to tell me how to improve my looks, not that I good the way I am.

      Things I'm not a fan of:
      • My hair (My bangs are in like two "sections", I didn't try to fix my hair for the picture.)
      • My eyebrows/eyelashes are really light
      • I'm really pale...and my hair looks funny against my reddish-white skin.
      • I'm trying to get rid of acne.

      Feel free to give me any suggestions (I will try almost anything)!!!!!!!!!


      The post was edited 1 time, last by hheartstrongg: picture removed by request ().

    • Re: Tips for Improvement (girls only)

      I'd say if you want to dye your hair, go for a chocolaty brown. Also, you can tint your eyebrows that color so they don't look so out of place.
      If you want your eyelashes to show up but you don't want to look like you're wearing makeup, go for a light brown mascara (I know you're a guy but that's really the only way to get them to show up). If you only put it on halfway it will look natural, just make sure it doesn't clump. (Get an anti-clumping brush for that).
      As for the hair style, I think it's fine with your face.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Tips for Improvement (girls only)

      You look like my ex :o
      He has whiter hair though
      you look fine :)
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]&#9829;[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]
    • Re: Tips for Improvement (girls only)

      I think your bangs are cute! They don't look too meticulously styled, but they're choppy and textured at the same time. If you really don't like the fact that they're slightly sectioned in the middle, it's simple enough to go to a hairdresser and ask them to please neaten it up for you. All it would take to remedy that is a cut.
      Your hair's got lots of individual tones in it and it's (imo) just the right length for a bloke. I wouldn't change it, but that's not important because it's about what you want. If you want a new style and colour completely, again, take it to a hairdresser: they can tell you what styles and lengths will compliment the shape of your face, and what colours will suit your complexion.

      Because your hair's blonde, your eyelashes and eyebrows are as well. They're natural and match your hair, so there's no need to worry about them or make an effort to change them - they look just right. If you'd like them darker, though, you can get them 'tinted' (dyed) at a beauty salon for around £10 per treatment.

      A bit of sunlight will sort out your pallidity, but being pale isn't necessarily a bad thing. You don't have to sunbathe or be extrovert about it - simply spending time out in the sun will contribute to a bit of colour.
      As for your acne, you probably already know that there are a lot of treatments available at pharmacies. I recommend anything by The Body Shop, particularly their tea tree range.

      I think you're good-looking, :wink: bit like a real life Draco Malfoy.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by bambi vision ().