dealing with stupid young kids

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    • dealing with stupid young kids

      i'm 17 yo. there are 3 kids of around 12 yo in my condominum who, for some reason, started shouting my name mocking, calling me caveman.....and i just dont get how can a child grabs his balls to talk to someone older like that.

      i dont know what to do because i want to do the mature thing. the fact is, its getting on my nerve and im going to beat the crap out of one of them if i see them. thing i dont want to do, so please help me with this. thnks.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Hold on to your kite =D[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      Just find which ever one is the 'leader' out of them.... there is always one who's leading.
      Then grab him/hit him, my fav is taking the person most annoying and getting their head and repeatedly hitting it into a wall untill u see them have tears or untill you get bored, works very well from what ive experienced with people in the year below me. (cause im pretty short im the same sorta height as alot of people a year or so younger than me so they try their luck)
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      Think on their level, they want attention. Tell them if they stop doing that, you will do something really awesome for them. If they continue though, you won't do it. Whether or not you actually do something awesome for them or not is all up to you, but if you do make sure it is after a really long time and when they ask when you are going to do it just be like "Well, it hasn't been long enough yet."
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      You don't need to get violent with them. Just scare their leader. Shake him up, lift him by his collar, etc. Get dirt on him. Getting violent will only make you look like a dick.

      ---------- Post added at 04:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 AM ----------

      Saradactyl wrote:

      Think on their level, they want attention. Tell them if they stop doing that, you will do something really awesome for them. If they continue though, you won't do it. Whether or not you actually do something awesome for them or not is all up to you, but if you do make sure it is after a really long time and when they ask when you are going to do it just be like "Well, it hasn't been long enough yet."

      No, don't whore yourself out to them, you'll lose their respect.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      Play along with them. When they call you caveman, grunt at them like you are a caveman :rofl: that or do just ignore them and ACT like it doesn't annoy you.

      AND PLEASE DON'T HURT THEM IN ANYWAY! LITTLE KIDS ARE DUMB, YEAH. We just have to be patient with them.
      [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Please Go Vote for me. See here. [/CENTER]
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      Monkey Dance wrote:

      i'm 17 yo. there are 3 kids of around 12 yo in my condominum who, for some reason, started shouting my name mocking, calling me caveman.....and i just dont get how can a child grabs his balls to talk to someone older like that.

      i dont know what to do because i want to do the mature thing. the fact is, its getting on my nerve and im going to beat the crap out of one of them if i see them. thing i dont want to do, so please help me with this. thnks.
      Ignore them. To get under your skin is what they want. To beat them up is to get what they want, ignore them. That's the mature thing to do.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]It makes me sick to think about, everything you put me through and how you left without saying goodbye.
      This is the end of you and me, everything I used to be. [/SIZE]
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      Please listen to me when i say that violence is not the best solution here. If they live in your neighborhood then find out which house is theirs and speak to the parents. Explain that they need to talk to their kids about respect and stop harrassing you. If you go the route of violence i promise you you will be arrested and charged with assult. You may not want to involve teh parents but if you beat them up the parents WILL get involved. You are 17 and they will charge you as an adult especially if you really injure one of them on accidnet or not. You don't want to ruin your future with a criminal record over something so stupid. Go over their heads dont bash them in.
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      If you beat up a bunch of 12 year old kids, nobody's going to be on your side.
      You will get in trouble for punching a kid.
      And no one is going to feel bad for you, because they're going to say, "Wow, man, you beat up a bunch of kids? Yeah, that's real manly alright. What's wrong with you?"
      That's not how you deal with this shit.

      You threaten to talk to their parents or just give them one coldly disapproving head shake and ignore them completely.
    • Re: dealing with stupid young kids

      me reason, started shouting my name mocking, calling me caveman.....and i just dont get how can a child grabs his balls to talk to someone older like that.
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      i dont know what to do because i want to do the mature thing. the fact is, its getting on my nerve and im going to beat the crap out of one of them if i see them. thing i dont want to do, so please help me with this. thnks.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kangyuta ().