
    • Why is he your boyfriend? You think you two can stick together, right?
      And he cares for you, doesn't he?

      I know a friend..she openly tells me when she cuts, or when I notice one. I feel really bad for her. I tell her not to do it, try and resist it *for me*. She doesn't listen.

      If you're okay telling him and making him understand that you like this way of life, go on, tell him. Lying is such a sin, honestly =/
      If you feel he's gonna burst out or something bad is gonna happen, tell him you're not comfortable talking about it (as DREAM3R said)
    • To the initial question: If you're going to tell him and how you're going to tell him is up to you. You're definitely not obligated to tell him about your cutting; it's a personal issue, so it's up to you whether you should or should not disclose that information. If you honestly feel uncomfortable lying to him, then go ahead and let him know what's going on. Only if you feel comfortable letting him know. If not, don't worry about it. You don't have to tell him unless you feel ready to.

      You should, however, find someone to help you with whatever problems you may have that is causing you to self-mutilate. Try talking to a teacher, a close and trusted friend, a counselor at school, or a trusted adult. It's okay to reach out and seek help.

      If you need anything or anyone to talk to, please don't hesitate to PM me or IM me through AIM or MSN. I'm here to help :)
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Lying will only work for a while, but it depends on where the scars are
      But if you think he cares for you enough you should tell him, not straight out but find a way to work it in. Once he knows it will be a lot simpler and he'll be more gentle and caring.
      [RIGHT][SIZE=1]Out of all the lies you told me, je t'aime was my favorite[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
    • Ok lets say, I'm your boyfriend; and I'm noticing these cuts on your body.. and I'm asking you where they're from. Now since I'm your boyfriend, I'm only looking out for your welfare because I love you. Lets face it, I know you cut yourself.. but I want to hear you say it, I want you to tell me the truth because if you love me, than I deserve that at least right? Then I can start helping you with your problem. But when you push the mentioning of the scars aside like its nothing, I gotta admit it hurts.. it hurts pretty bad. I'm not going to look at you like you like you're broken or pathetic, I'm going to look at you like you're a girl whose hurting inside.. so much, that she won't even tell the guy who loves her to death..

      Ok, end of that simulation. I'm just trying to give you the point of view your man might have. Believe me, telling him will feel a lot better; and if he breaks up with you.. than screw it, you're worth more than that. Someone who gives up on the drop of a hat is worthless.

      Sorry for writing such a long post. Haha.
    • I'm glad you told him, I think it is definitely for the best. :) I did see both sides to this, telling vs. not telling. On the one hand you shouldn't have to do or say anything you are uncomfortable with. But on the other hand, I think the truly meaningful relationships are the ones where both people are completely open with each other with no fear of rejection. Where you both may know each and every one of each other's darkest secrets or unusual quirks, but still be able to look past it or even love each other more for it because it is what makes you you.

      That's not to say you should not treat cutting as something to try and stop, but now that he knows, it may actually make it easier with his support. I myself am struggling to stop cutting, so I know it's very difficult. I feel like it would help me to talk to someone who cares, unfortunately I don't have too many close friends I can talk to about this stuff, but I'm working on fixing that. Talk to your boyfriend if you ever feel like cutting again and want to stop, if he truly loves you then he will always try to support you.
    • You can't build up walls; take a chance. I'm sure if he accepted your problem with cutting, he must care for you a great deal. If you don't let people know you like the beautiful person you are you'll never have a functional relationship.

      If he leaves and is cocky about it, celebrate your independence,
      If he (for whatever reason) dies, celebrate his life.