Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

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    • Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      I've always known my family was poor, but I didn't know we're THIS poor. Almost anything valuable in our house is given to us from our relatives, even our house is not ours (we're living with my grandmother). A few days ago I overheard that my mom is in massive debts (if you can't earn money at least don't lose it! :mad:). But what make me truly sad is the fact that my father is totally indifferent about everything. He sits all day in front of the computer playing games and learing Photoshop :confused:. I'm really aware of the fact that my parents are the type of introverted/passive people (they don't even talk to each other much if at all) and I probably will never get to feel the "family atmostphere" that people talk about, but this is getting really depressing. College fees are due the day after tomorrow and my mother is out borrowing money again. Dad is playing some puzzle-solving game (yeah he always think he's a very smart person, which doesn't mean anything even if he really is).
      I think I should just stop caring about how lame they are and study hard, get a job, move out and start "living". Maybe sometimes visit them but that's it. I have lost all hope in having a normal family.
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      Hmm, learning photoshop IS good, i'm not saying you will be rich or anything, but if he masters it, he can make something...
      I'm also quite ''poor'' only recently did i move from my grandmothers house, where my dad, mom, and brother lived, luckily we don't have any debt(like you said, why spend what you don't have, recipe for disaster)
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      Maybe your parents have gotten used to claiming state benefits and have become lazy. Self-motivation easily falls away once the benefit cheque conventiently arrives in the post.

      Your family's inept laziness should give you enough gumption to forge ahead and work hard to a better future of your own. Work hard, play hard - that's my motto and I've never listened to anything less.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      Have you ever thought you maybe in debts because your parents are spending so much money on hoping that you get a good way of life? So you can go to school and so you don't have to live on the streets. Maybe your Dad has gotten into a depressive state and isnt doing anything cause he doenst believe there is any point trying.
      College is damn expensive and money doesnt come from no-where at least they are taking the debts for you and not leaving you to face all of it.
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      mynameisHANNAH wrote:

      Have you ever thought you maybe in debts because your parents are spending so much money on hoping that you get a good way of life?

      Nope. As I said before, it's my relatives that pay my school fees, ever since elementary school. I remember a summer when my dad spent the whole 3 monthts sleeping and watching TV... My mom has a job, but it's not really a job, she works for my aunt in a store, but all she has to do is sit there and wait for customers. And she can't even be good at it. Actually the reason we're in debts now is because she got scammed by some guys who bought a lot of stuffs and disappeared without paying. And I have a brother who is in 2nd grade. Could Feel sorry for him.
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      I understand what you're feeling, It must be really frustrating when the adults in the family dont act like it.
      We always see our parents as these heroes that always do everything right,
      but the fact is they're human. When they're doing something wrong most of the time they refuse to see it because that's what we humans do.
      I think that you should as you said, move out and try to establish your own life because it doesnt seem like you're getting very far with your parents.
      The thing is, they probably dont mind living like that, so they might not really bother to change it.
      But you DO mind living like that, so instead of trying to change everything around you, just move from that situation and make your own situation that you're comfortable in.
      you'll have a better relationship with your parents once you do that I think :)
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      handa711 wrote:

      I've always known my family was poor, but I didn't know we're THIS poor. Almost anything valuable in our house is given to us from our relatives, even our house is not ours (we're living with my grandmother). A few days ago I overheard that my mom is in massive debts (if you can't earn money at least don't lose it! :mad:). But what make me truly sad is the fact that my father is totally indifferent about everything. He sits all day in front of the computer playing games and learing Photoshop :confused:. I'm really aware of the fact that my parents are the type of introverted/passive people (they don't even talk to each other much if at all) and I probably will never get to feel the "family atmostphere" that people talk about, but this is getting really depressing. College fees are due the day after tomorrow and my mother is out borrowing money again. Dad is playing some puzzle-solving game (yeah he always think he's a very smart person, which doesn't mean anything even if he really is).
      I think I should just stop caring about how lame they are and study hard, get a job, move out and start "living". Maybe sometimes visit them but that's it. I have lost all hope in having a normal family.

      I also feel the pain of living in a money-strained family. If you can, get the job. This will at the very least prove that you are able to get money, and prove to your parents that you are not dependent. Also, study hard, don't waste your life because of this situation. It is definitely not worth it.
    • Re: Mom and dad, I am disappointed.

      handa711 wrote:

      I've always known my family was poor, but I didn't know we're THIS poor. Almost anything valuable in our house is given to us from our relatives, even our house is not ours (we're living with my grandmother). A few days ago I overheard that my mom is in massive debts (if you can't earn money at least don't lose it! :mad:). But what make me truly sad is the fact that my father is totally indifferent about everything. He sits all day in front of the computer playing games and learing Photoshop :confused:. I'm really aware of the fact that my parents are the type of introverted/passive people (they don't even talk to each other much if at all) and I probably will never get to feel the "family atmostphere" that people talk about, but this is getting really depressing. College fees are due the day after tomorrow and my mother is out borrowing money again. Dad is playing some puzzle-solving game (yeah he always think he's a very smart person, which doesn't mean anything even if he really is).
      I think I should just stop caring about how lame they are and study hard, get a job, move out and start "living". Maybe sometimes visit them but that's it. I have lost all hope in having a normal family.

      Sorry to hear that. My parents couldn't help me pay for college but thats not their fault, they both work hard. If I were you I would take matters into your own hands. I got a job and make a good amount and get tuition reimbursement. You can work hard and pave a path for yourself and you'll feel real proud of yourself when you become successful.