Lost Questions

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    • Lost Questions

      Ok, the biggest complaint with Lost is usually that each episode leads to more questions with no apparent answers, and a lot of these will now probably never be answered :p

      So I thought it would be fun to start this thread (Note the word fun, I'm not giving out about it) to see what answers people on here can come up with to explain the things we never found out.

      So yeah, if you feel like it, try to answer a question, or ask one of your own that confused/infuriated you or made you laugh, or whatever, anything you wanted to know about the series that wasn't addressed in the finale.

      And I'll put a warning here to say that there might be SPOILERS ahead if you haven't seen the last few episodes...

      Here's what I wanna know:

      - What was the deal with Walt being psychic and shit if they were just going to never mention him again?

      - Why the hell were there polar bears on the island?

      - How come Miles' dad doesn't age?

      - How did Sun manage to randomly lose the ability to speak English, but not to write it, and how could seeing Jin bring it back?

      - Did drinking the mucky water out of the manky bottle not make Hurley immortal?

      - Why doesn't Richard get to go to heaven? He was probably the most religious person there

      - Same goes for Rose and Bernard

      - Did Desmond die in the magnet place?

      - Did anything actually happen on the island, or did Jack just die in the bamboo field at the beginning of series one?

      - If Jacob and the Man In Black were supposed to be around for hundreds of years, why did Jack say MIB's skeleton was only about fifty years old?

      That's it from me for now, but yeah, ask your own questions, etc. Should be interesting to see what people think the answers are :p Serious or joking.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Lost Questions

      Yea I wished they had answered more questions rather than just putting up a big "The End" sign. Anyways,

      no idea about walt, polar bears, Mile's dad

      Rose and Bernard were in the church at the end. I'm fairly certain I saw them

      Sun's speech thing, aphasia, is actually a real condition that affects certain parts of the brain. Jin "fixing" it was just a nice little "aww" moment.

      Hurley's drinking the water was something symbolic. For whatever reason, drinking water from someone like Jacob was his way of passing on his powers.

      Richard may have went to heaven but with a different group of people. The losties were all very important only to each other and Richard was never part of their group

      I believe Desmond died sometime after the show ended

      I believe everything that happened "on the island" was real life and the flash sideways were some sort of purgatory long after the show ended
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    • Re: Lost Questions

      Aww, poor Ricardo doesn't belong in the group :p I love him haha

      And as for Desmond, I meant when Widmore was testing him in the electromagnetic field, and he saw the other place, which was then revealed to be purgatory or whatever, how could he see it without dying?

      And I didn't notice Bernard and Rose, my bad!

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Lost Questions

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      Here's what I wanna know:

      - What was the deal with Walt being psychic and shit if they were just going to never mention him again?

      It was hinted many, many times he was related to the island's electromagnetism which gave him some kind of connection to the island.

      - Why the hell were there polar bears on the island?

      This was answered. The Dharma Initiative were experimenting on them.

      - How come Miles' dad doesn't age?

      Wut? If you're referring to the purgatory... it's purgatory, how you look is irrelevant.

      - How did Sun manage to randomly lose the ability to speak English, but not to write it, and how could seeing Jin bring it back?

      ...were you paying attention to the episode?

      - Did drinking the mucky water out of the manky bottle not make Hurley immortal?

      Just as immortal as Jacob and Jack were.

      - Why doesn't Richard get to go to heaven? He was probably the most religious person there

      Just because you didn't see him doesn't mean he wasn't ever in purgatory. He had probably already moved on.

      - Same goes for Rose and Bernard

      See above. Though I think they were in the church.

      - Did Desmond die in the magnet place?

      No, Hugo and Ben pulled him out.

      - Did anything actually happen on the island, or did Jack just die in the bamboo field at the beginning of series one?

      Joke question?

      - If Jacob and the Man In Black were supposed to be around for hundreds of years, why did Jack say MIB's skeleton was only about fifty years old?

      He didn't. He said it takes at least 50 years for clothing to desecrate like that.

      Most of those were answered in the show :)

      ---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      And as for Desmond, I meant when Widmore was testing him in the electromagnetic field, and he saw the other place, which was then revealed to be purgatory or whatever, how could he see it without dying?

      He is special because his body is able to take high amounts of electromagnetism without dying. Just like it displaced him from time before, now the only difference is it displaced him from reality or something. This is one of those things that's supposed to be interpreted by the fan though.