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    • Okay so this girl and i we used to date and well it didnt turn out well we had a fight didnt talk for a month, after a while i couldnt take it anymore i had to talk to her i sent her notes, messages on FB it took me forever to explain how sorry i was... this is the past now we are like SUPER clsoe but see i have never exactly gotten over her i still love her in a way and idk what to do i would like to be friends but i cant help loving her shes just an amazing girl and i want to know how to get over her :confused:
      It takes one voice to change the world, But a million ears.
    • Hiya,

      I think I'm only a little older than you. But I have had a girlfriend and its quite right to say that it can takes ages to get over her.

      What I found helped was trying to get on with other parts of your life; friends, family, hobbies, interests, so that you have plenty to fill you time.

      It's not easy, but you'll get there eventually. Good luck,
