So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

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    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Jarndyce wrote:

      @ yax koux, both of those statements are blatantly wrong. As one gets older one gets more mature, it is living life and experiencing the world that helps give maturity. There are many authorities in this world that could stop people from living their life the way they wish to, the most basic and blindingly obvious one would be criminal law in any individual country.

      i dont think you understand what im saying. you are right about how when you get older you get more mature and smart but what im saying is that people who say you are a mature adult ONLY when you turn 18 are just stupid. i have seen 16 year olds who are more mature than their parents. and what i mean by living life the way you want, i dont mean robbing banks and killing people. i mean just doing what makes you happy.
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      ThatGuyBrett wrote:

      That is irrelevant really, if someone is old enough to long for sexual contact then they are old enough to partake in sexual contact.
      Age is not irrelevant. If she is not prepared to accept consequences that come with sex, than she shouldn't be having sex. And yes, age does play a big part in being ready for those consequences. Don't be immature. We can't all go around following all the urges we are met with.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by OnEMesSduPKiD ().

    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      OnEMesSduPKiD wrote:

      Age is irrelevant. If she is not prepared to accept consequences that come with sex, than she shouldn't be having sex. And yes, age does play a big part in being ready for those consequences. Don't be immature. We can't all go around following all the urges we are met with.

      Many kids get mad and wish they could kill their parents. Does this mean they are ready and it is acceptable for them to become murderers? As OnEMesSduPKiD says simply reaching a stage in life where you long for something does not in any way suggest that you are necessarily ready for it.
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    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      It is quite irrational to think that just because one feels ready to do something it means he/she should go ahead with it....
      Feelings are somethimes overwelming and can cloud your true jugment....I was in love with my first gf, i loved her and tought i was ready, i realised i wasnt when we broke up, hehe, too late then....

      Many ppl regret loosing their v with that particular person and wish that they had waited a little longer. This might not be the case for you, i mean he seems to be a nice bloke and most importantly a gentleman but becareful also cause of your age.

      I dont agree with some of the posts where they say that age does not make any difference. It does, even though you may feel mature, life experiences are still to come, and honestly maturity comes with life experience.

      Think about it seriously, eliminating your feelings and thinking with your mind...if after you do this you still want to go ahead with it, then its your call....(and his obviously)....

      My opinion is to think about it with your mind and not your heart or something lower :p
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      I think that it's your life, so it should totally be up to you. Asking on a forum is fair enough to get peoples opinion, but if someone told you yes, and you did and then regretted it, you can't hold them responsible. Obviously I know you, in real life, and I think myself you are ready, but again, you know yourself better then anyone. If i didn't know alex (her boyfriend if people didn't know) then I would be like ZOMGG HE SOUNDS SO PERFECT HOW COULD SHE BE SO LUCKY :O!! but I do know him, so obviously he has a great impact, i think he's perfect for you, and I think your mature enough to know consequences and risks of what you want to do.

      Sorry if you didn't want me commenting babe, but I think that everyone is right in what their saying, and for people who say "But you can have sex any age, and do other things at 14" Yeah, thats true, but when your 25, if you have sex, it's not like, OMG I JUST DID SOMETHING AMAZING AND I CAN'T TELL PEOPLE ITS A SECRET AND SCARY. its not fun? It's not exciting, doing older things at a younger age makes you feel excited about breaking the rules, and if something goes wrong, well thats how you learn, isn't it ? :) xxxx
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=4]I love. My girls. <333[/SIZE]
      [CENTER]<3 Anna <3
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Izzie :) wrote:

      It's not exciting, doing older things at a younger age makes you feel excited about breaking the rules, and if something goes wrong, well thats how you learn, isn't it ? :) xxxx
      Going to a party where there is alcohol involved or sneaking into an R rated movie are not the same as doing something that can potentially ruin your life, your parents, your significant others' life, your significant others' parents life, and the child that you could bear... their life too. A lot of life to ruin. Sooo many kids fail to realize how huge of a responsibility they are taking on just because it feels natural to them to do sexual acts.
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      No, I was giving examples, I know her in real life and I know she is so cautious with things, and he is amazingly cautious if not more. So saying that, for me, makes sense to her, you don't know her, so I know theres no chance they could make huge mistakes with it.
      And yes sometimes it's out of your control, but really, (I think i recall it was her) we were going to go get an implant. No getting pregnant with those, were really better then you think
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=4]I love. My girls. <333[/SIZE]
      [CENTER]<3 Anna <3
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Izzie :) wrote:

      No, I was giving examples, I know her in real life and I know she is so cautious with things, and he is amazingly cautious if not more. So saying that, for me, makes sense to her, you don't know her, so I know theres no chance they could make huge mistakes with it.
      And yes sometimes it's out of your control, but really, (I think i recall it was her) we were going to go get an implant. No getting pregnant with those, were really better then you think
      You're right, you two are invincible.
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Yeah, I would steer clear of it at 14, but that is just me.

      This amazing guy now could become a complete dickhead before you know it. And he may seem all sweet and compassionate for now but were you to get pregnant, I think you may be surprised at just how quickly he may run for that door.

      Just saying.
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Thanks for the comments everyone :)

      However.. I think I've decided not to have sex, and to wait, after all.. This is what happened (despite it being VERY personal, lol)..

      I was at his on Thursday, and we were doing.. Stuff. It was great, until he asked me whether he could go down on me.. I refused, saying that I didn't want him to, only because I was embarassed of my body (which was totally true). He said it was okay, but continued to make jokes about it throughout the rest of the day. Ones like "We could've had so much fun if you didn't hate your body, even though you have no reason to hate it, haha" I laughed, but I wasn't sure how he meant to say that.. As a sort of "I'm annoyed you didn't let me" or a "I don't mind that you refused, but it would've been fun".. I prefer to think it was the second one.. Anyway, so we continued to do.. Stuff, and we started to talk about that I said I'd want sex before oral. He told me he could get a condom if I wanted, since I was saying "Uhh, I'm really tempted to have sex with you" a fair bit. And then, it hit me.. I was in the right place, the right time, and the right moment.. And that's when I realised I just couldn't do it. I told him that I couldn't, and made the excuse again that it was because I hated my body.. This time I lied. He joked about that as well, but again I'm not even sure how he was feeling about the "rejection".

      I also had a chat with my Nan, which sounds weird but it was actually quite helpful, and she said "your at the right age for sex for at least 40 years of your life, but your only at the right age to be a teenage for a quarter of that time". It made me realise how stupid and risky I'm being.. I don't need sex, it's just a want, and I'm the sort of person who wants what they can't have, cause it makes me feel like the relationship is fresher and more exciting. So, in theory, if I want sex but don't have sex then I should find my relationship with Alex much happier?

      I think i'll stick to the law.. It's best that way.

      Thanks again guys, you've made me realise a lot of things..
      And I love you Izzie, thanks for your comment <333
    • Re: So you've got a boyfriend, and VERY much underage...

      Aww I heard about the nan stuff the other day, when we were with Alex :p
      But yeah I'm glad your not just trying to be like Katie(:
      God knows when we will be ready my dearest !! :) xx
      loves you aloottttttt babe xxxxxxxxxx
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=4]I love. My girls. <333[/SIZE]
      [CENTER]<3 Anna <3