Dating Advice - Help with this girl

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    • Dating Advice - Help with this girl

      So recently ive been getting closer with this girl i know(girl A). i really like her and i think she likes me but about a month ago, my girlfriend(girl B) broke up with me because she thought she liked someone else. It turned out that she didnt. We then went on to tell eachother that we would try to get back together and we have stayed close friends since. just today my "ex-girlfriend"(B) formally asked me out. i said yes but im not sure if i should have because she might just find some other guy in like a month and screw me over again. oh and Girl A just flew all the way across the country for 3 months. so that kinda screws things up. :confused:

      The post was edited 2 times, last by abbazabba ().

    • Hey dude, your text color is tough to read. Just a heads up.
      Anyway I don't really know you, but why would you want to go out with a girl who dumped you for some other guy? Now she's rebounding and "wants you back," but how long will that last till she finds someone else :/
      If I were you, I'd pursue the other girl unless you want to get burned twice.
      Of course you already said yes to your ex, so you've already made up your mind right?
      [SIZE=2]It's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], it's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], it's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], make it [/SIZE][SIZE=2]HURT[/SIZE][SIZE=2]![/SIZE]
    • What he said ^^

      There is nothing worse than commiting yourself to living in a dog house, where "Girl B" has got you tight on a leash.. May I ask, what breed is she?

      Seriously, I have done this to a guy and it didn't work out well. You have to look at your relationship, then look at her, then look back at the relationship. Just how "perfect" or "satisfactory" is your relationship with her, and does Girl B make you happy?

      Also, that's a bit dickish to date Girl B whilst you like Girl A.. No matter what she's done to you, you don't commit "tit for tat".. You'll BOTH end up hurt if you continue to like Girl A, and if Girl B continues to decieve you..

      Harsh, I know, but at least straight-forward?
      Hope this helped, and I honestly think Girl A would be better for in the long run, as long as she's not gonna hold you on a leash while she's everywhere that your not as well :) x