GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

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    • GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      Many people associate being gay or bisexual with being a fan of GaGa. I'm bi and a HUGE fan<3 lol but i was just wondering your opinions on people doing this lol.
      i personally dont have a problem it takes alot to get me offended but i do think its wrong to stereotype that

      GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA<3 thanks little monsters(;
    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      I'm Pansexual and in love with her. However being non-straight has nothing to do with how I percieve her music. I genuinly love the sound and her fashion. She's almost like me, but more out there and famous. She stands up for everything I've ever thought and that's made me proud to be every inch of who I am.
      My cousin is completely and fully straight (somewhat homophobic, even) and loves Lady Gaga, as do some many fully straight people that I know.
      As for Gaga herself, she is a known bisexual.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
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    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      Silentstrike wrote:

      Maaaan I hate questions like these that can never be answered unless you know her personally.

      She makes some good music thats all i care.

      He was talking about the fans, not about her personally.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
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    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      I believe she's stated in a few interviews that she's bisexual.
      And I read that her song "Poker Face" was about being bisexual.
      Now, about a lot of her fans being bi or gay? I just think it's a case of how HUGE her fan base is. There's bound to be a lot of bi or gay people who like her music, just because the number of people who identify as Gaga fans is immense.
      Also, because she's bisexual herself, they may be less scared/embarassed to admit it.
    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      Gaga is an absolutely amazing and talented artist and performer. I am a massive fan of sooo many atrist for which I comonly get labelled gay... even though I am :D Gaga, Madonna, Amerossi the list goes on.
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    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      No, I know many straight guys that like her music. Perhaps not use fans, but do generally like her music.
      Kaleb Nation, an author and blogger, is a fan of Lady Gaga, and he is straight (I think).
      Plus, this super-heterosexual guy in my Physics class was humming the tune for "Bad Romance" while we were busy with our classwork.

      I like her music. I am not such a huge fan that I will sing "Bad Romance" from the pavilion at a rugby game (and potentially be assaulted), but I will listen to her music while training for cross-country or while I am writing my novel.
      Of course, then again, I am not straight.
    • Re: GaGa=Gay? Opinionsss pleasee lol

      Maybe people just assume that because of her own sexuality that the fans she has are only bisexual or gay?

      I don't think its true....I'm straight and I enjoy her music and her clothing style very much. I have a gay friend who really enjoys her, but there are plenty of people around me in school that are Gaga's fans. Gay, Straight, Bisexual, etc. It doesn't matter. I think she is a very influential person, and whoever made that stereotype obviously doesn't like Lady Gaga and may as well be a homophobe to think that.