slowy destroying myself

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    • slowy destroying myself

      so point is i got back with my boyfriend months ago, and now that we're trying to make everything right, i still can't forget everything that went wrong when we weren't together. this isn't the first time that we break up and get back together, but its the first time something got/seemed to have gotten serious when we weren't together in terms of him being with someone else, and it doesn't stop haunting me. i do not not want to be with him. and i know im destroying myself...i just want to know someone is hearing me out, because at this point, not even my friends want to hear me out...
    • Re: slowy destroying myself

      If you really don't want to be in your current relation ship then I really think that you guys should talk about your situation or just end it. If you are actually feeling like you are destroying yourself then you should just do what you think will stop the harm. I know sometimes friends or family won't be there when you need them. I do suggest couseling or an artistic way of expression (writing, drawing,or music) to let out your emotions. Just be happy and do what's good for you.
      [COLOR="Lime"][CENTER]I'm so happy today![/CENTER][/COLOR]
    • Re: slowy destroying myself

      Being in a relationship is all about trust, once this is gone i am afraid that it is a difficult and slipery slope....

      By the way that you said, 'destroying myself' ect, it seems like there is no hope for this relationship. I would end it before it gets even more akward...

      Think about yourself, if you dont then who will?
    • Re: slowy destroying myself

      as said, trust is key in a relationship, and you obviously dont trust him anymore and you obviously do not wish to stay with him as you are not happy, i advise you that you should talk to your boyfriend and explain everything that you feel and discuss whether it is worth continuing your relationship!
    • Re: slowy destroying myself

      thank you all for replying. it means a lot since no ones been hearing me out lately. i do still want to continue a relationship with him, thing is that i just can't seem to get it off my mind. just one thought in head brings out everything, i just don't know how to try to put everything that happened aside and try to move forward. it hasn't been a year, and i know it takes more time to heal over the situation, but i honestly feel bipolar sometimes because sometimes everything is more than great and then other times i just cry, for no reason even, sad songs make me cry. i don't know how to stop thinking about it i guess..
    • Re: slowy destroying myself

      conflictedowl wrote:

      so point is i got back with my boyfriend months ago, and now that we're trying to make everything right, i still can't forget everything that went wrong when we weren't together. this isn't the first time that we break up and get back together, but its the first time something got/seemed to have gotten serious when we weren't together in terms of him being with someone else, and it doesn't stop haunting me. i do not not want to be with him. and i know im destroying myself...i just want to know someone is hearing me out, because at this point, not even my friends want to hear me out...

      What you are going through is a normal reaction, i mean if anyone falls off the stairs twice i assure you they will be cautious and doubtful too. Its only natural. You dont want to be with him but yet you cant get away? It seems like you get some satisfaction from it in someway. Give yourself time to heal your wounds and look within yourself to find some answers.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by PhillyStorm ().