Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

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    • Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      So i was talking to one of my best friends its a she and happens to be my gfs best friend. Ive gone out with this friend before and we are very close so she feels the need to tell me something,She told me my girlfriend told her she cheated on me like sex with another guy. We are all 14 i still have my V card in my wallet,and she was drunk when it happened my friend said. What should i do? If i break it off she will know somebody told me, I dont want to do that to my friend,And I really care for this girl. I am only 14 so i dont think its love ,but we have a close knit group of friends so it would be a big hole :(
      Matsuda: "Ryuzaki, is there anything I can do to help with the investigation... besides the manager thing?"
      L: "Could you get me another cup of coffee?"
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Drinking isn't an excuse. It could be the reason yes... but don't let it go on that. You're young, honestly I wouldn't stay with her there will be another girl who is better for you. In school as well stuff like that may be awkward for like a week but then everyone moves on. If she cheated that is hardly your fault no one is going to shun you.

      Also, check your source. While the girl that told you is your friend why did she tell you? Make sure her motives are sincere and that she is not just lying to you in some twisted way of getting you to herself.
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      yeah, you don't know what you were told was true. Maybe this girl secretly wants you to be with her over your friend. Girls get motivation like that. Look around for proof that she's done something before you dump her.
      If she's cheated then yes, dump her. Cheaters don't deserve to be kept happy because they're just going to do it again. If she really cared for you, she wouldn't have fucked some other guy. Drunk or not.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Girls often do things they regret later when under stress, or because of some other difficuly in their lives. At your age (not being patronizing) and especially when drunk can cause some serious lapses in judgement. Talk to her - don't be confrontational or judgemental - girls HATE that. Understand that everybody makes mistakes. However, being drunk is not an excuse, and you should let her understand that. Well, you've got plenty of time to live life to the max, don't let this sort of thing get you down. Contrary to popular belief girls are not all lying bitches, guys are often just as bad.

      On another note, wouldn't L be more inclined to something sweeter?
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      @Batgirl & EliseBell: First thank you for the advice, but i don't know why my source would do that
      we have gone out two times before and we decided we were much better off as friends so I am her new proclaimed brother, she tells me everything right down to her urges sometimes to get pregnant.

      @everyone I woudnt count being drunk an excuse,`and she is on the sort of extreme side, but you should see what her parents do to her. Half the time if I try to see her at her house her parents kick me out,and I dont consider myself a bad kid. If we do get to stay they carry on what they make her do when they dont let her go anywhere,and i dont mean pick up the house or anything,hard stuff. They are just wierd I could ramble on and on.She returned a ring she found on the ground(I was with her) and she got grounded for two weeks because the person thought she stole it and wrote a letter.

      All this aside, I'm not trying to make her seem innocent its just she has a hard homelife with her parents making her a shut in.
      Matsuda: "Ryuzaki, is there anything I can do to help with the investigation... besides the manager thing?"
      L: "Could you get me another cup of coffee?"
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Gabe_wa_suge wrote:

      @Batgirl & EliseBell: First thank you for the advice, but i don't know why my source would do that
      we have gone out two times before and we decided we were much better off as friends so I am her new proclaimed brother, she tells me everything right down to her urges sometimes to get pregnant.

      @everyone I woudnt count being drunk an excuse,`and she is on the sort of extreme side, but you should see what her parents do to her. Half the time if I try to see her at her house her parents kick me out,and I dont consider myself a bad kid. If we do get to stay they carry on what they make her do when they dont let her go anywhere,and i dont mean pick up the house or anything,hard stuff. They are just wierd I could ramble on and on.She returned a ring she found on the ground(I was with her) and she got grounded for two weeks because the person thought she stole it and wrote a letter.

      All this aside, I'm not trying to make her seem innocent its just she has a hard homelife with her parents making her a shut in.

      Okay Gabe... two things, ugh your friends urge to get pregnant at this age. That is not a 'normal' thought. It does show a need for co dependency on someone else. In her case she wants a baby to love her. How is she going to get one of those... oh yes by getting you to have sex with her after you break up with your girl. Girls always say "oh yeah we're better off friends" and guys do too... even if they still have feelings. It's a defense mechanism no one wants to be the one left crying. Anyhow talk to your girl find out what's up now if she denies it, you are going to have to talk to your baby wanting sister. To find out what's up.

      Anyway, good luck.
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      hm I kinda tried to see if she would confess. I didnt want her to catch on to my "baby wanting sister" telling me. I said I had a bad dream about me walking in on her and another dude seems a little more normal than me knowing she cheated and did the you can tell me anything speech, when she said she was going to get drunk. Before that and well to that she said "what should I tell you? I wouldnt keep anything from you", and thats not her being drunk when shes drunk or high shed tell me she up in the clouds and she would hardly be able to form a sentence. she gets her alcohol from her parents shed when they fall asleep
      Matsuda: "Ryuzaki, is there anything I can do to help with the investigation... besides the manager thing?"
      L: "Could you get me another cup of coffee?"
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Hmm... so does this make you think she actually did cheat on her, or does it make you think she didn't?

      Tbh, at fourteen getting drunk and high seems pretty excessive, even though her home life doesn't seem to be great. Do you really want to be mixed in with all of that?

      If you do well, good luck. However, if you do have doubts about her I think you should just ask her straight. Say you heard a rumour and see how she reacts.

      If she says she didn't and you really believe her, then you better talk to your 'sister' because she could have ulterior motives.

      Good luck
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Make sure it's true, and then don't hesitate to let her go. You're all 14 and she's off having sex with random guys? You don't want to be with that kind of person, and it'd be best to end it now. She has no right to be upset with you either, becuase she has basically already broken up with you by cheating. In this case think about yourself first, and the group of friends you have will be close again later.
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Gabe_wa_suge wrote:

      She told me my girlfriend told her she cheated on me like sex with another guy.

      This looks like a big so what argument.

      Well doesn't it depend on whether you give a damn or not? What do we have to do with it?

      I personally wouldn't give a damn, I'm not a slave-owner I believe in equal privileges so it wouldn't bother me 1 bit.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Well you seem very mature from what I can tell. You care about the consequences that may fall onto your friend, and realize it's not love. Just wanted to say that.

      Do like other people said, and talk to her about it. See if it is true. Then, it's up to you. Can you really trust this girl if she did it? She obviously doesn't care about you like you do her if she lost her virginity to someone else while she was drunk, and didn't tell you.
      But find out first, and do what you need to do to make you happy. Not your friends happy.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Thank you all for your great advice next time I see her I'm going to totally confront her about it..Not in a "OMG YOU CHEATED ON ME DIDN'T YOU!?" kind of way,but a "Emili I'm very concerned I've been hearing rumors that you had sex with someone while we have been together is this true?" kind of way.
      Matsuda: "Ryuzaki, is there anything I can do to help with the investigation... besides the manager thing?"
      L: "Could you get me another cup of coffee?"
    • Re: Girlfriend cheated should I break it off

      Gabe_wa_suge wrote:

      So i was talking to one of my best friends its a she and happens to be my gfs best friend. Ive gone out with this friend before and we are very close so she feels the need to tell me something,She told me my girlfriend told her she cheated on me like sex with another guy. We are all 14 i still have my V card in my wallet,and she was drunk when it happened my friend said. What should i do? If i break it off she will know somebody told me, I dont want to do that to my friend,And I really care for this girl. I am only 14 so i dont think its love ,but we have a close knit group of friends so it would be a big hole :(

      Yes, yes, yes, yeah, yep, of course, yes, yes, si, da, how many ways can i say it you need to end it, cheating should never be taken lightly, she obviously didn't care enough to not cheat on you plus didn't have the guts to tell you about it... end it and end it fast!
      What I should have said was...Nothing!