The existence of God is not a predicate

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    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Hitopopamus wrote:

      The best argument for believing in god is "I'm weak."
      You'll have a hard time slapping that argument on everyone that believes in God, such as a deist. I could also turn right around that say the best argument for not believing in God is "I am weak," since some atheists are rather dismayed at the idea of a higher being watching over them.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LuklaAdvocate ().

    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Look, as Tim Minchin says, Just because it's ancient and tenacious it doesn't mean it's worthy.

      Christianity, well all 3 of the Abrahamic religions, have grasped on too long. If it wasn't for all the wars, and brain washing ect we would never have really heard about christianity. It should have been a passing movement that died out Centuries ago, yet we still find ourselves with it. Why?
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Poliwag wrote:

      Look, as Tim Minchin says, Just because it's ancient and tenacious it doesn't mean it's worthy.

      Christianity, well all 3 of the Abrahamic religions, have grasped on too long. If it wasn't for all the wars, and brain washing ect we would never have really heard about christianity. It should have been a passing movement that died out Centuries ago, yet we still find ourselves with it. Why?
      The same could be said for any belief. People are capable of being brainwashed by practically any ideology, whether it be religion, politics, culture, etc.

    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      I was born Athiest, and I live in a Christian home. My parent's recently came to terms with my beleifs, which makes my life a lot easier.
      Holy books tend to contridict each other and themselves. I think that most of the stories that were intended to teach lessons, perhapes shouldn't be taken so literally.
      Some people need to beleive there's something more, and that's just fine. But it causes so much conflict, and terrorism. Recently, my boyfriend and I were told by a preist that we were evil, because we don't belive in God. Needless to say, I told him that was very Christian of him. . . I suppose even if there was no relgion people would still find reasons to hate each other.
      Personal philosophy: "I beleive in God, only I spell it N-A-T-U-R-E."
      Oh, and of course "Don't loose your dinosaur."
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      itwasalllikebam wrote:

      Some people need to beleive there's something more, and that's just fine. But it causes so much conflict, and terrorism.
      Religion, more often than not, is an excuse for conflict rather than a direct cause. If religion were to never have existed, you'd still have the same amount of violence and chaos seen today. Money, power, land, and resources all fuel war; leaders and government use religion merely to vindicate their thirst for power. There are certain conflicts that were a direct result from religious tension, such as the French Wars of Religion and the Crusades, but if you took religion out of history, other contentions would amount to the same hostility that occurred.

      As for terrorism, many major terrorist attacks had nothing to do with religion.
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Poliwag wrote:

      I've done Philosophy for a year know, I've studied the major arguments for the existence of God, and frankly none of them work. What are your views on the christian theologies and the personified thing known as God?

      In my opinion, the ontological argument is the worst of all the arguments, it's just so crammed full of christian logic it makes no sense at all. The fact that you describe something with certain qualities does not then mean it has to be real. It's retarded

      God does not exist and i didn't have to take a year of philosophy to know that.

      -Final Fear
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"Misdirection is the key to victory, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strengths, if knowledge is power, to be unknown is to be unconquerable." -Sun Tzu[/SIZE]
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      LuklaAdvocate wrote:

      Perhaps you could share some of your brilliant logic and enlighten us then? Considering you seem to know with absolute certainty that no deity exists.

      Well, good sir, how could such deity exist?

      -Final Fear
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"Misdirection is the key to victory, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strengths, if knowledge is power, to be unknown is to be unconquerable." -Sun Tzu[/SIZE]
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      There are many ways it could exist and it could so in a way which our brains can not understand.
      I don't believe in god, however I'm not so arrogant to say that I know for a fact that he doesn't exist.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
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      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      LuklaAdvocate wrote:

      I never claimed that one exists. You explicitly stated, with absolute certainty, that God doesn't exist. I assume you have collaborating evidence to prove it.

      My only evidence is that there is no evidence for such deity to exist. Yes, i know, not a fair argument. it could take an hour or more to compile all of the evidence and links i would need; not going to use such a massive amount of time to prove my point on an online forum. It's my belief that it is a fact that god does not exist, believe what you want, i believe i am right. Seems so ignorant to me that someone could believe in such garbage, although people are entitled to their beliefs.

      -Final Fear
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"Misdirection is the key to victory, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strengths, if knowledge is power, to be unknown is to be unconquerable." -Sun Tzu[/SIZE]
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Final Fear wrote:

      My only evidence is that there is no evidence for such deity to exist. Yes, i know, not a fair argument. it could take an hour or more to compile all of the evidence and links i would need; not going to use such a massive amount of time to prove my point on an online forum. It's my belief that it is a fact that god does not exist, believe what you want, i believe i am right. Seems so ignorant to me that someone could believe in such garbage, although people are entitled to their beliefs.

      -Final Fear

      God and science do exclude one another. There is no evidence that god does exist. there is no evidence that god not exist. Therefore god exists and does not exist equally. To conclude otherwise is to be ignorant of basic scientific principles.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Zubat wrote:

      There are many ways it could exist and it could so in a way which our brains can not understand.
      I don't believe in god, however I'm not so arrogant to say that I know for a fact that he doesn't exist.

      Where is heaven? How does our "soul", so to speak, travel to heaven? If it is so far out that it is beyond our sight, it would take millions or billions of years to get there, seeing as nothing can exceed the speed of light. I sit here for a good 10 minutes trying to put my thoughts into words and it just doesn't seem to happen. I am playing out a discussion in my head and it never seems to end, maybe you won't respond how i expect and the discussion could be ended soon.

      -Final Fear

      ---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 PM ----------

      DeaExMachina wrote:

      God and science do exclude one another. There is no evidence that god does exist. there is no evidence that god not exist. Therefore god exists and does not exist equally. To conclude otherwise is to be ignorant of basic scientific principles.

      How do you prove something not to exist? Can we assume that magic or unicorns exists and does not exist equally? There is no evidence to say that a unicorn isn't floating in space millions of light-years away.

      Edit: Wow, the way you put it, anything could exist or could not exist. You can't say Pokemon don't exist, there is no evidence.

      -Final Fear
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"Misdirection is the key to victory, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strengths, if knowledge is power, to be unknown is to be unconquerable." -Sun Tzu[/SIZE]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Final Fear ().

    • Re: The existence of God is not a predicate

      Final Fear wrote:

      Where is heaven? How does our "soul", so to speak, travel to heaven? If it is so far out that it is beyond our sight, it would take millions or billions of years to get there, seeing as nothing can exceed the speed of light. I sit here for a good 10 minutes trying to put my thoughts into words and it just doesn't seem to happen. I am playing out a discussion in my head and it never seems to end, maybe you won't respond how i expect and the discussion could be ended soon.

      Like I said, it may be that any explanations are beyond the comprehension of the human brain.

      ---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

      Final Fear wrote:

      How do you prove something not to exist? Can we assume that magic or unicorns exists and does not exist equally? There is no evidence to say that a unicorn isn't floating in space millions of light-years away.

      I believe in both unicorns and magic.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.