What should I do about my bestfriend??

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    • What should I do about my bestfriend??

      Well, ever since the beginning of of school last year, my and my bestfriend Tiffany have been seperated because of our stupid assigned classes.
      And she has been put with a girl named Elizabeth who pushes me away when I'm around her and Tiffany.
      And ever since the beginning of the school year Elizabeth and Tiffany had been hanging around eachother and having their own inside jokes and laughing ALOT more then me.
      And only SOMETIMES does she actually say "Hii Bestiiee!!" or give me bear hugs or say my name in excitement when she sees me.
      It happens everyday to Elizabeth. Tiffany runs past me and hugs and laughs with Elizabeth.
      And when I try to talk to her it's like she doesn't even hear my voice anymore.
      It's like I'm invisible to her AND Elizabeth. :/
      I don't know what's going on.
      Maybe cos me and tiffany can never hang out with eachother anymore because of school.
      Her and Elizabeth have all the same classes and get to hang out and laugh together.
      It's like Tiffany doesn't even know me anymore :(
      I miss her as a bestfriend.
      I miss our inside jokes that she doesn't even remember.
      I miss the way we were BEFORE we were seperated.
      What can I do to make her...my bestfriend again??
      What can I do to make her and I create more memorable memories.
      I don't wanna leave her, cos I don't LIKE any of the people in my classes. o.e
      They bother the crap outta me. : P
      I mean they're okay...but I just wouldnt want to be around them more than I already am.
      So what should I do?

      P.S I know I sound like a jealous person...
      Well, maybe cos I am. : P
    • Re: What should I do about my bestfriend??

      Have you actually talked to her? I had this problem, and when i started to find other friends my old best friend got jealous and ditched her new bestie. It was like she wanted me to be jealous of her, but instead she was the one who didn't like it. Maybe she doesn't realize she is doing this, and if she does then, as harsh as it sounds, she doesn't seem like much of a best mate. She will probably get bored of Elizabeth soon, and ditch her just like she seems to be doing to you.
      [COLOR="Lime"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Quite Frankly, Your Guess Is As Good As Mine.[/FONT][/COLOR]
      [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]<3 [/COLOR]
      [RIGHT][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]''Why be good, when the bad guys have so much fun?''[/COLOR][/RIGHT]
    • Re: What should I do about my bestfriend??

      That happened to me before, it just happens all the time.

      Well, first, if you haven't talked to Tiffany about this issue, then you should probably do so. Be honest about how you feel; let her know that you don't want to lose her, but you feel like you are. The thing is, Tiffany is entitled to other friends. Meaning, she can have more than one best friend just like you can have more than one best friend. One thing you don't ever want to do ever is make her choose between you and Elizabeth, because chances are - you might lose her.

      And you said your classmates annoy you and what have you, but have you tried getting to know them? Try and join clubs, teams, organizations and go out there and socialize! I'm sure that there's people that will have similar interests that you have (or if you are looking for someone opposite of you, there's definitely people like that too.) Just keep lookin', befriending, but don't ever lose Tiffany. She sounds like a keeper; she just needs to know how you feel :)

      I hope some things changes for you and I hope you are doing well.

      Best of luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]