I have a major crush on my best friend

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    • I have a major crush on my best friend

      I have a female best friend. Let's call her her Izzy. Izzy and I very good relationship even though it's long distance. We joke around alot about sex but we dont sext. (She's very much a "good girl".) And truth be told I really do want to go out with her. I've asked her and she said that she was too afraid of losing me. Izzy's totally convinced that we'll break up and I will end up hating her. I really think that we are sorta destined to be together. (I know. It's really corny.) But even if we did break up I think we'd remain friends. What's your opinion?
      Too many freaks, not enough circuses.[COLOR="DarkRed"][/COLOR]

    • Re: I have a major crush on my best friend

      what she is saying is the biggest worry most best friends have when they start to have feelings towards eachother.

      Just ask her to try think about it on the flip-side, what if it works out great because you two know eachother really well?

      I think she should try looking at it from another angle and then she can make a decision from there
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    • Re: I have a major crush on my best friend

      Well, the way she feels is understandable. She's close to you and she doesn't want anything to mess that up. Though, it does seem like she likes you and she didn't give you a definite no. You may have a chance to make it work. However, it's really up to how she feels about it. She may decide that she doesn't want to take the risk, or she could come around to the idea and not be afraid of the outcome that may happen. Just talk to her about it, but don't pressure her. Reassure her that you feel as if your friendship will be a good foundation for a relationship and if you do happen to break up, you think you'd still be able to be friends. She may or may not come around. You'll just have to see what happens.