I need advice please!!

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    • I need advice please!!

      Okay, so here's the story.I was on the bus coming back from a field trip. I was crying and one of my kinda guy friends came and sat with me. he was talking to me to try and make me feel better and hugging me. But soon when we were listening to his mp3 he fell asleep and his head fell on my shoulder. After that, he kept hugging me cus i was still upset but it was starting to turn into more of his arm being around my waist. We also held hands, and he said he really liked me and i asked if he was just using me and he said no, of course not. Well, that was two days ago. yesterday i asked what the whole thing was about and he said he had been trying to help me feel better. I said so you flirt with me?? That's the solution?? He said "well i like you". But he has a girlfriend. He said he is gonna break up with her.So he kinda also implied that he is gonna ask me out. The thing is, next week is the last full week. We are running out of time. What should i do?? Talk to him more?? I need advice!!Please help me!!:confused:
    • Re: I need advice please!!

      greatdenny wrote:

      you behaved like a kid

      She doesn't.
      To reply coldplay4ever, anyway, I think you shouldn't go out with him and you even don't need to talk to him or something.
      1st, he must be a playboy, as you mentioned that he has a girlfriend and why he behaves like that? I mean, flirting you. It's not a boy who has girlfriend behavior. He's not royal to his girlfriend and it's not responsible. :/
      2nd, if you say yes to him, I mean, going out with him. You'll bear the results after going out with him. See, he has a girlfriend but flirting other girls, what if, he's dating with you but flirting other girls behind you? So, be smart and intelligent. Don't contact with him anymore.

      (btw, I'm a Coldplay fan too. :D)
    • Re: I need advice please!!

      Scarlett.h wrote:

      She doesn't.
      To reply coldplay4ever, anyway, I think you shouldn't go out with him and you even don't need to talk to him or something.
      1st, he must be a playboy, as you mentioned that he has a girlfriend and why he behaves like that? I mean, flirting you. It's not a boy who has girlfriend behavior. He's not royal to his girlfriend and it's not responsible. :/
      2nd, if you say yes to him, I mean, going out with him. You'll bear the results after going out with him. See, he has a girlfriend but flirting other girls, what if, he's dating with you but flirting other girls behind you? So, be smart and intelligent. Don't contact with him anymore.

      (btw, I'm a Coldplay fan too. :D)

      This. He does definitely seem like a player. He will just do the same thing to you as he is doing to his current girlfriend. I would stay away :]