--No Subject--

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    • --No Subject--

      Why do the members of Teen Forums | Teen Help & Advice have such contention with me? Yes I can be abrasive but I almost always post to help. Because I don't clarify my belligerence with some sob story you all think it is OK to blatantly insult me with no aim other than to shut me up?

      And you Mods. That stands for Moderators am I right? Some moderation. Many of you personally insult me yourselves, when you aren't too busy supporting those members who do the same thing. It will be a miracle if this thread even makes it to the forum considering I am so often curtailed simply for breaking the mold of the average member on this site.

      None of you are aware of the problems I have had and the issues I have faced in my life and simply because I choose not to cry to you egomaniacal control freak-Admins who believe they are Heaven-sent to help teens I am made out to be the bad guy? Really?

      When I am told by moderators to "fuck off" it really makes me think about the posters on this site. The members of this site come with many more problems than answers and the mods seem to be the ones who take such pride in their ability to solve problems they fail to realize how embroiled they are in their own.

      For anyone who is still with me simply out of spite (which is most all of you) and who are just thinking "fuck you," why don't you stop for a God damn minute and think about who NikAngelo is. Because you don't know. The little I have presented is taken the wrong way simply because I use the word "fuck" too many times.

      No where do I post to simply insult. The posts where I am not explicitly offering advice and may seem simply caustic are almost always intended to elicit a response to further the conversation. But I am met with those who actually try and hurt me with their words to get me to "leave us alone."

      You are the ones with problems that need fixing. I came back to this site because I was feeling especially dissatisfied with life. Not depressed. Not "fed up" or "unable to stand it." DIS-FUCKIN-SATISFIED. So I come on here again and I am met with kids who have suffered with so much less and whine so much more. I become disgusted at the thought of even asking for help on such a site. So I instead OFFER help. No it's not the pitying drivel the Admins and Mods pride themselves in regurgitating down the throats of bitching teens; it's a little HARDER to SWALLOW. And so, you refuse to swallow. You flat refuse to listen. And I receive bad rep points and every other post intended for me is some variation of "fuck you."

      I guess one thing really missing from whiny teens these days (and the whiny Admins that they look up to) is perspective. Rationality. Because what I am seeing is a group of children blinded by emotions and unable to see the reality behind an event or a sentence. And I'm not going to say that I'm simply better or that this is happening because your hormones are going crazy, no. Because I am not inherently better and bullshit excuses like hormones really fuck up a child brought up to believe everything he does should be gold plated and everything he feels should be written down and saved in the National Archives.

      Kids need to grow up. You might say I was forced to. I would say I chose to. Because I am aware of the power I possess to change myself. I can CHOOSE to do or not do things. So if you kids are reading this, and NOT wishing I was around so you could imagine beating me up (because that probably wouldn't actually happen anyway) I don't care. I don't care that you're here and quite frankly am not looking for any positive reps or whatever you think is important. What I'm HOPING for is that YOU care that you're here, and reading this. I hope that YOU realize that YOU have more power to change your life than those worried you'd cry for failing have told you you have.

      At the last, my friends, I leave you with a quote that went conveniently unnoticed in an earlier post of mine. I believe the direct response I received was "you're an asshole." I hope you find more use out of it:

      "Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. " -- Viktor E. Frankl Md. PhD.

      I am always available at 650 455 1453 or over email at [email protected].
      The worse of a reputation I receive the more I know I'm helping. :love1:
    • Re: --No Subject--

      The internet is a hive of scum and villainy.

      Accept this.

      Nobody on the internet will always agree with what you think or post as they have their own ideas on subject matter just as you do in this post. People come off hostile on the internet more so cause of the idea of hiding behind a username to where they can be a dick and nobody in real life will bitch them out for it. You have your trolls, you have your idiots, you have your cocky fucks and you have your plain assholes. Coming to the internet expecting open arms is setting yourself up for huge disappointment. While I have never seen a post by you, you apparently get met with a lot of negative feedback from what I gather in your post. So do a ton of other fucking people, so YOU grow up and suck it up. People take shit all the time on this site to as Teen Hut, for all it aspires to be, falls into the same craphole every forum does.

      People come here with problems, some get solved and some don't. Now this is a largely 50/50 shot of going either way and is helped along by either nice people or dicks. The majority are dicks. You come off in this post sounding like "My advice is so honest it's gotta be fucking right" even though you say you aren't trying to elevate yourself above others when you really are by putting a spin in your joints, describing your advice should be more looked at than others. Just because people don't reply, quote or rep you for it doesn't mean that others haven't read it and appreciated the advice. I mean at the moment of replying right now there are Currently Active Users: 2851 (173 members and 2678 guests). That's 2678 possible people besides members that could not be registered but are still reading.

      The internet is what it is, understand this and maybe you won't feel your so under appreciated not only here but elsewhere on the massive tubes of teh intarwebz.