Never been in a relationship :(

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    • Never been in a relationship :(

      I'm 16 years old, 17 in october. I've never had a boyfriend before! I've never even kissed a boy. Even if guys are interested in me, they're usually the creepy guys or just guys that I'm not interested in dating. I'm not unattractive, I've been told that I am really pretty by many people. All of my friends, it seems, are getting into relationships, and having sex, and I'm stuck in the past, never even kissing a guy before :( I've flirted tons before, and been flirted back to, I guess in every circumstance that that has happened in, neither one of us was willing to take the next step in the relationship. I guess this isn't really a question that needs answering, but if someone could just reassure me that this is normal...That not everyone has a boyfriend by my age, and not everyone has their first kiss as early as all my friends did?
    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      It's fine to not have a boyfriend at your age. It doesn't make you any less of a person. The fact that you're 16 and haven't done what may seem to be the 'norm' for most teenagers is actually fine. Don't worry about it. The more you worry about it, the more you're going to start doubting yourself as a person. Your time will come. Just wait and let it happen in time. However, if you're interested in someone and they're expressing interest in you, don't be afraid to take it a step further. You don't always have to wait for them to make a move. Don't be afraid to take a chance and see what happens. All in all, don't let this bother you. Personally, I'm in the same boat as you. Just try to be okay with it for now. Be patient and don't compare yourself to other people.

      Hope this helped.
    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      Yeah its normal for your age and even for people older. The people that haven't kissed before just don't go around bragging that they haven't which is why it makes you feel that its only you. And its better to wait until your ready and with a guy you really care about, than to just rush into things because your friends are doing stuff and end up regretting it.
    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      Not that this really needs further elaboration, but yes, it is completely normal. There is nothing wrong with it. Personally, I think you better than your friends, because I tend to look down on people who have sex at an early age. I just view them as irresponsible and unable to control themselves.

      Anywho, I only just got into my first relationship, and I am 18. So don't rush it. Let it happen whenever it happens. And don't worry, it'll happen.
    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      It's perfectly fine. I didn't get my first gf until I was 19. Then I lost her because I was "inexperienced" hope a :ninja: finds her in a dark alley some day.
      -I'll Break My Back Trying To Become Better In Life.
      So Before I Kill Myself, I Can Say "Atleast I Tried"-
    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      I was the same way at your age. All my friends had kissed a ton of people, had tons of bfs/gfs while I never did. I was always told I was pretty, always hit on by cute guys, but just never got a bf. But then once I stopped worrying something magical happened: I unexpectedly got my first kiss [and it was perfect at the perfect time], got my first "other things", and started gettin' bfs. So don't worry and wait for the time to come. Once the time does come you'll be having tons of bfs and you'll start thinking "uuugh having a boyfriend's kinda a pain." lol

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SoyaBeanire ().

    • Re: Never been in a relationship :(

      Im in exactly the same situation as you, except i'm a year older, and all i seem to have is perverts and creeps and all the nice guys want to be friends or nothing ever happens. The way i see it is that it will happen at some point as my sister was the same and she's been with her irst bf for nearly 2 years, so it works out better if your looking for a long lasting relationship.