drop out?

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    • Im in grade 11.. and my life isnt so crash hot atm.. ive got depression and a whole bunch of shit going on.. and my school stuff is really suffering for it.. i dont enjoy anything im doing at school atm.. and i dont end up turning in most of my assignments because i try and concentrate on doing things that i enjoy to keep the hurt and sadness away.. and im trying to make a decision.. i can drop out and get a full time job and get some money so that i can do the things that i enjoy right now.. or stay in school and finish year 12 and bet my qualifications.. atm however i dont know if ill even end up passing grade 11 so i may not get the qualifications in the first place.. and im worried that i may not be able to find a job.. im just really confused atm so if anyone has any advice or have been in the same situation as me.. id like to hear it
    • Re: drop out?

      Theres a few things I'd like to suggest to you/that are on my mind.

      I went through something similar, I hated going to school, started to go less and less, then my grades started to suffer. Like you, I found it hard to catch up and get my work in on time. I decided to ultimately stop going, HOWEVER I found an online high school,where I could get my diploma at my own pace, without the stress of having assignments due in at a certain time. I that might be a lot easier for you to handle, less stress, you can do it whenever you want. You can get a job, and finish high school at the same time, theres no time limit or time frame which you have to finish it in either. Getting a diploma is essential for the future, many jobs now a days won't hire you unless you have some sort of qualifications, not to mention you get more money with it too.

      Have you tried to talk to someone about your depression? That could also help you, maybe hep you enough to where you could go back to school and finish your school year out, and continue on to 12th grade there. They can help you work out your problems, and if you so choose, give you medicine to help with your depression and concentration issues. You're half way there, you admitted that you were sad, now you just need to get help for it. Have you talked to either of your parents about this? They can help you find solutions as well.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: drop out?

      I feel I can totally relate to what you are going through. I started sixth form (college in the UK basically) in September 2009 and was suffering with depression at the time due to my mum having cancer, splitting up with my boyfriend and lots of other issues that are irrelevant and I won't go in to.
      I used to miss lots of time off school b'cos I was always feeling really ill or going home cos I wasn't well. I wasn't anywhere near as close to my mates as I had been and I felt very alone in sixth form, like I had nothing in common with any of them. I was so ill with my depression it was like I was in a black hole and could see no way out. I didn't care about A levels or qualifications at the time, I just cared about getting out of the mess I was in.
      My doctor had diagnosed me with depression and recommended I either went on strong antidepressants and carried on trying my best with 6th form or to have some time out and try and get sorted.
      I decided I would be better perhaps having some time out of education, so in other words, leaving sixth form. So I did leave as I was working weekends at the time and they were very good and were able to get me more hours so I was working through the week too.

      A good 9 months down the line and I'm having counselling still getting things sorted, I just felt the need to explain so you don't feel alone, sorry for going on. I just want to add that I feel this was one of the best things for me to do. Though I may not be feeling 100% better even months after, I feel that leaving sixth form was the best thing for me. If I am honest I have learnt sooo much more experience working since September than I would've reading text books and doing A levels.

      At the end of the day you can do advanced education at any age now! Good luck, hope this helped a bit. Live for the moment, do what feels right. You'll go far x
      [SIZE=3]Just Be Yourself :thumbsup:


      The post was edited 1 time, last by BrunetteHeaded ().

    • Re: drop out?

      school wasn't made for education. it was made for obedience. if you want to learn more, look at my signature. you should drop out and take an alternative like online schools. i promise you that once teachers stop shoving useless crap down your throat, you will learn more and at a faster pace than school. you will also probably enjoy what you are learning since you are not being forced to learn. During these 2 weeks of no school, i studied what i just wanted to learn at home and in 4 days, i have learned half the things in my next science class. while in school, it would have taken me like 2 months.
      [SIZE="4"]the truth of youth rights:[/SIZE]