An Afterlife

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    • Re: An Afterlife

      Dr.Carter wrote:

      I don't think it's a question of intelligence or imagination that makes the world seem beautiful, I think it's just your inherent disposition. I'm not an optimist, and I don't see the same beautiful world that you do. I also don't have a belief system that encourages me to be complacent, so I'm not. Some people, myself included, are horribly cynical about the world we live in, for what I would consider a pretty good reason.

      For someone that stresses such an apathetic stance on what happens to us in life, you sure are opposed to the idea of the lack of conflict. ;)

      My apathy isn't a reason to not want conflict. Things do not get done without conflict, as stated above. Life is suffering, I understand this. This only makes my happy moments more meaningful and the balance of life more important to me. In an earlier post I stated that conflict is necessary to truly be happy, and it works both ways. Happiness is necessary for conflict.

      Although I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist, the Dalai Lama described my belief better than I could:

      "It is not enough to be compassionate. You must act. There are two aspects to action. One is to overcome the distortions and afflictions of your own mind, that is, in terms of calming and eventually dispelling anger. This is action out of compassion. The other is more social, more public. When something needs to be done in the world to rectify the wrongs, if one is really concerned with benefitting others, one needs to be engaged, involved."

      At the risk of sounding dogmatic, cynicism distorts perception. Is it realistic? I would certainly say so. All the more reason to act positively. However, if you let that cynicism control you and disable you from appreciating the beauty of nature or simple acts of kindness, you are just as controlled as those who see the world as a perfect place.

      I hope this is understandable. It is difficult to explain this to people who do not share my faith.
    • Re: An Afterlife

      I really hope there isn't. Imagine having to spend eternity alive. Eternity! An infinite amount of time! Would be the suckiest thing ever. Sure the first 12 millions years might be ok but what about the 12 billion year? Then you can times that by two and it still wont be over. You could do everything that is even possible to do an infinite number of times, it would be exceedingly dull, to put it lightly. In the beginning you could meet all the people you used to know and watch over the world and such but the world wont last forever. People will soon stop arriving as the human race disappears... then what? you could spend 100 years with every person that has or ever will live each and still have a million years left to hang about with them. The afterlife sounds shit.
    • Re: An Afterlife

      You have one life. Live it to the fullest...or don't. It's your choice. But don't expect another life after the one you're given. The whole point of living your only life to the fullest is, because you don't get an afterlife once you're lying on your death bed.
      Raptor Jesus on the cross would be so much cooler...
    • Re: An Afterlife

      Techno Viking wrote:

      I really hope there isn't. Imagine having to spend eternity alive. Eternity! An infinite amount of time! Would be the suckiest thing ever. Sure the first 12 millions years might be ok but what about the 12 billion year? Then you can times that by two and it still wont be over. You could do everything that is even possible to do an infinite number of times, it would be exceedingly dull, to put it lightly. In the beginning you could meet all the people you used to know and watch over the world and such but the world wont last forever. People will soon stop arriving as the human race disappears... then what? you could spend 100 years with every person that has or ever will live each and still have a million years left to hang about with them. The afterlife sounds shit.

      If an afterlife was possible, i'm sure there would be something that caters for this. For example perhaps time wouldn't exist etc...Or there might be a cycle, where if you are in the afterlife for 1000 years you are reborn and memory is erased as well as all previous life milestones. (this theory is essentially a manifestation of reincarnation)

      Also i'm aware this topic is old.
      Low raise, to the height that of God to men.
    • Re: An Afterlife

      vodka kisses<3 wrote:

      I'm a catholic..I should believe in heaven and all that but theres no proof therefore i find it hard to believe.

      It would be alarming if people could prove it.
      It's not something you are supposed to prove.

      I think there is definitely an afterlife.

      I am Catholic also and I believe in living life to the fullest, while trying my best to not sin and get to heaven.

      If for some reason I were wrong, then I would at least have led a nice life.
    • Re: An Afterlife

      Trigger93 wrote:

      It would be alarming if people could prove it.
      It's not something you are supposed to prove.

      Most new discoveries of this magnitude are alarming...does not mean they aren't warranted.

      To those who don't believe in God, it is something that very much needs to be proved.
      Low raise, to the height that of God to men.