To 'get' oneself a girl

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    • To 'get' oneself a girl

      The facebook thing of announcing relationships is prone to irritate me. I just saw an update from a friend saying he was in a relationship. In the comments beneath people congratulated him on 'getting' himself an awesome girl, and telling him he had 'done well' to get her.

      It seems very chauvinistic to me, without any awareness of doing so people were treating the girl as though she were now an attachment of my friend, almost as though he had acquired her, and she had worth just as a female asset.

      Perhaps it irritated me without cause, but it did prompt me to post a short comment to this affect. Perhaps it was because the girl is younger than the guy? Or perhaps it's just because the comments were written by people who saw things too much in black and white?
      More broadly speaking, what do people think about this? Do you ever see similar behaviour in life or on the net?
      [CENTER][COLOR="Green"]If you have nothing to say, say nothing.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jarndyce: I wanted to fix it! ().

    • Re: To 'get' oneself a girl

      That's an interesting point, I see and hear stuff like that all the time but have never thought much of it. It seems like more of a jokey thing to me, even my boyfriend's relatives made comments like that when they first met me ("How'd you manage to get this one?", etc.) But it's all in good fun. ;)

      Even girls make those comments, too. Maybe it's just because it was on your friend's profile, and you happened to notice it?

      Facebook and it's relationship craziness is annoying though, I'll def. give you that!
    • Re: To 'get' oneself a girl

      I simply think they're just dead metaphors. Nothing more, I don't think it is putting the woman in any subordinate position, because women turn around and say they "got" their man. Just my thoughts.
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: To 'get' oneself a girl

      The kind of people they comment "Congratulations" is to guys they think would have a hard time getting a girl.

      Personally it's kind of embarassing I guess for the girlfriend of the guy to see that.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: To 'get' oneself a girl

      well i see what you're saying. i think everyone does the same thing though, i wouldn't label it as chauvinistic persay. i mean there's a difference between someone saying "CONGRATS DUDE, SHE'S HOT!" or "congrats, she's a really great girl." i dont see it as a problem unless it gets out of hand.
      [LEFT] yahh trick.