I need help!

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    • I need help!

      Ok, I'm 16, All of my friends have gotten laid and junk, I'm a virgin still. And I hate it, I've been affected my porn since I was like 10. My whole life since then has been pretty hectic, sexually, I really want to talk to a chick and get to know her and stuff, and hope I can get some "play". Only problem is whenever I see a chick I would like to meet, I get nervous and I just don't know what to say, and I'm afraid I'm going to get rejected and get really embarassed . Every single day of my life I see all these chicks where I work and I just want to say hi or something. For 6 years, I've just spent many, many , many countless days alone just thinking about chicks and watching porn. Well the other day I had a really lucky day sorta, I was driving by during work and I just so happened to catch this chick with a really loose and really big shirt, she bent over to garden or whatever and she just so happened to be bent in just the right way so I could get a perfect view up the shirt when she was leaned over and to top it off she wasn't even wearing a bra. And there was just something about the whole that all of a sudden make me think, I really need to get a chick, I'm really tired of being alone, I really need a GF, Which brings me back to my problem of fear of rejection and embarassment, I'm afraid I'll say something stupid and just completely ruin the whole entire situation completely. So What do I do finding a chick to talk to isn't a problem, theres tons around my work area. Just what should I say when I approach them and start a conversation? Somebody please help me.
    • Re: I need help!

      Hey there, you're probibly more normal than you think, I was exactly like you untill I was about 17 or so then I switched jobs and met a really nice slightly older girl who was keen to teach me everything she knew lol.
      I remember watching porn when I was 16 and thinking damn I need a girl friend but honestly don't worry about too much, teen agers tend to talk a lot of BS about topics like sex and half of them are probibly virgins too lol.

      As for talking to girls I can only say just talk to them as if you think they're interesting and nice people, be relaxed, ask them questions and if you can make them laugh it helps.
      I've seen some guys let on too strongly that they're sexually interested in a girl and it can turn them off if you've just met them.

      Don't worry about "saying the wrong thing" either, if you do just laugh about it or what ever and move on, it will pass...

      Just a tip: if you watch porn too much you become a pro at turning your self on and exciting yourself quickly which can be a bit of a shock when you start having sex since you might have to pace yourself to your partners pace etc...

      You're young too man, your best years are still ahead of you.

      Since I was in a similar situation when I was your age if you have any questions about sex or anything at all feel free to ask away and I'll try answer them as best as I can, Cheers.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by keywee ().

    • Re: I need help!

      ok for one you gotta get out of your bedroom leave the porn alone for a bit and try communicating with humans. if your walking telling yourself 'im gonna be rejected, they won't want me' etc your just setting yourself up to fail. first you gotta stop stressing and acting like its a race it WILL happen one day!! try just chatting with girls like you just wanna be friends instead of looking at them like potential fucks cause of course thats gonna get you nervous. once you're comfertable talking with girls you can move on. starting a conversation i agree is hard, compliments will always go down well, or maybe start up a chat about something random like the weather anything to get that first sentence out the way
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    • Re: I need help!

      Dude, my friend and I just had a late night "philosophizing" thing go on where we talked about our similar situations.

      Anyways, I just had an epiphany of sorts. Lemme know if you wanna hear it because it's related. :P

      In fact, if anyone's interested I'll up and just post it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 7skullz: Spelling ().

    • Re: I need help!

      I would say just to be yourself. I have had the same problem. I've never had a girlfriend throughout high school. When I got involved with a girl I liked I wast myself. Now I've learned to be myself arround girls I like and it works out a lot better. I say to just be your self talk to girls and be confident! You can do it! It's all gonna work out. You can't focus on how it's gonna happen just trust that it will happen. Best of luck!
    • Re: I need help!

      Step 1. Let go of your penis
      Step 2. Either, go on random social networking sites, popular way, or go out and talk to girls. It will be hard, but it will have to be done.
      Step 3. The world is your oyster. Well, you now should have an oyster to have your way with
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