I fucking hate my dad!

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    • I fucking hate my dad!

      my dad is a fucking idiot he is mean and he gets mad over nothing! i cant take him anymore the only reason im not doing suicide is because of my mom she is really nice. i dont understand why she dont break up with my fucking dad he is also yelling at my mom almost every day :confused: :(
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      I lived my whole life like this, eventually we moved, because my mom didn't have any money, so she got a job without my dad knowing, and one day we just left.

      Is it possible to talk to him? I know it might not be, my dad didn't listen to anyone.

      Don't commit suicide, it's not worth it, trust me.
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      oh !! I AM really sorry for your problems with your dad , why don't you try to talk to him ? give him another chance threaten him and tell him that you will leave if don't stop the fucking things he is doing .. don't chose suiciding it's the worst decision ( you gonna let your mum alone struggling ) and good luck .... :)
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      Yeah I'm sorry for what's going on. I used live with my crazy dad but I had to move out to my grandies because my dad would literally hurt my mom and break our things for like no reason. It was hard times but ever since me and my mom and dad all separated things got better. It's been 4 years since i've seen my dad really violent. I get to visit my dad like once a month and my mom like once every two weeks. All I can say is that your parents should separate for the better. I really think suicide is never the answer and I think things will heal in the long run if you talk to your parents about how everything Is affecting you. Oh yeah umm does your dad do drugs or drink? Cause mine does and I think that's what makes him mean and violent for no reason.
      So good luck, try talking to your parents and crying helps too, it might make them listen to you. Things will be rough, trust me, but if you and your mom can some how give your dad some time to fix himself, then it will be worth it in the long run.
      [COLOR="Lime"][CENTER]I'm so happy today![/CENTER][/COLOR]
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      well he isnt doing drugs or something he just gets mad over nothing... i dont know why but he can be very very kind sometimes but he gets mad easily :/

      ---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------

      and i really dont want to talk with my parents about it but i have the worlds best big brother and we talk alot about it i can always talk with him :)

      ---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

      well thanks to everyone who posted something it really helped :)
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      Yeah..Don't do suicide because it's not a good idea..I have a step-dad and he can be very mean too..I try to just go into my room and block it all out. Sometimes it's hard for me to handle it because he makes my mom cry..I don't like when people do that to my mom. But don't do suicide because your stronger than that.
      [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][SIZE=4]Our song is a slammin' screen door, sneakin' out late tappin' on your window. <3 [/SIZE]
    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      Careful. Your dad might have a psychological problem like Neurosis.

      Talk to your mom about your dad's behavior. But please do not suicide. That is the stupidest thing ever. " Oh. I do not like the way my dad talks to me. I am gonna go hang myself and give up on all the wonderful things that will happen to me later in life because of 1 problem I have no control over. "
      Don't do it. It is the coward's way out. You leave people hurt, and you give up EVERY good thing that will happen to you later.
      Also, if you believe in any kind of God. Realize that suicide is a one way ticket to hell according to most religions. It doesn't fix anything, and it causes more problems.

      You are way stronger than what you think you are and you can deal with the way your dad treats you. Also, he sometimes is kind to you so that could mean that he does love you.

      Like I said, if he gets mad over nothing he might have problems. There are a LOT of medical conditions that can go unnoticed that cause people to get furious over the simplest thing.

      If you ever see him yelling at your mom, try to defend her but don't yell back to him or anything.

      However if he hits her... You are free to punch him in the face as hard as you can.

      It's good that you have such a good brother because he will surely help you a lot.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JC ().

    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      Share stories with my father, just does not like eojjeonya
      An idea of each other through dialogue and reconciliation Make coordinated

      (I got talking to my father [who I didn't get on with]... something something... We got to know each other more through talking and now we get on better.) I think this is what you've said, please PM me if I'm wrong - Esmo

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Esmo ().

    • Re: I fucking hate my dad!

      oh !! I AM really sorry for your problems with your dad , why don't you try to talk to him ? give him another chance threaten him and tell him that you will leave if don't stop the fucking things he is doing .. don't chose suiciding it's the worst decision ( you gonna let your mum alone struggling ) and good luck .... :)