my little rant

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    • my little rant

      so me and this girl who i was good friends with were secretly going out for the last 3 weeks

      we kept it secret for a few reasons

      1 her ex, we didnt want to hurt him

      2 the girl i used to like, shes on holiday for ages and well i stoped liking her when i figured out she was just leading me on

      3 she moved away to newcastle 2 weeks ago and i move to sheffield in september so we figured we wouldnt officially go out until we have both moved if we both still feel the same way

      anyway so earlier today we were talking and she said she didnt think it was gonna work out, she said she can barely handle a normal relationship let alone long distance

      we were really good friends before we started to like eachother and she wants us to like pretend none of this happened,

      in the week before she left we hung out as much as we could, and i like her more than i have liked anyone in a while, she was my first blowjob, the first girl ive fingered to orgasm, the first girl i licked out and the first girl i gave multiple orgasms to

      and to her i was the first guy to give her multiple orgasms, (admittedly she is more experienced than me in that i am a virgin and she isnt)

      (oh and im 18 shes 15 but turns 16 in less than a month just so you know)

      so anyway i told her that i understood that long distance is difficult and so i dont blame her, and this isnt worth fucking up our friendship over, i asked if there could be another chance for us after ive moved to uni when i will be only an hour away by train and if not i would understand

      she said she didnt think there would be another chance

      the thing is although most of me thinks that, theres another part of me that really doesnt understand and this is the part of me that wants to get on a train right now go to her knowing that she still likes me a bit and try to win her back and tell her that we can make it work

      this is the part of me that awakens whenever i get dumped and never does me any good but i always listen to it, it tells me i can get her back and that any cost is worth getting her back

      anyway this really was just for me to vent the slight annoyance building in me head and heart right now, coz i know ive just got to give up on her

      but any opinions would be great, thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: my little rant

      Okay, well I know you a bit more than a stranger would, eh ? ;)

      I know you're a very deep person, and this might clash with the fact she might be simple and straight to the point..

      She's only 15/16, whatever, so she's bound to want to have a boyfriend who can get to her within a matter of minutes. She wont be looking for a long term relationship, long term being years, because she's only young and most girls will judge that they like somebody more than they actually do. A long distance relationship will make her feel guilty since you wont be able to see each other much, she'll feel like she is betraying you when she's hanging out with any other guy friends, and she'll be tied down with someone who is much older and much further away than she probably hoped. She might be mature in her head but she wont be as mature as this relationship wise..

      I would probably do the same as she's done now, but it's a little harder than you think to explain why.. I mean, I have this guy that I'm really interested in at the moment, but he's all the way in another country, and despite thinking I could really last years with him and I wouldn't want anyone else in the mean time, we both know that it's going to be hard since we're so youthful and want to get out and do things. There's a big line between being single and having to be commited, and even though she likes you she'd rather be safe than sorry if you get what I mean - She'd rather not feel guilty about dumping you a second time than letting you down the first time she broke up with you.

      Oh, and that side where you're thinking you can win her back.. We all get it, because we obviously really want that person back. The sooner you let go and move on, the easier it will be.. To get over her, perhaps replay all the disadvantages/risks/consequences in your head and it will loosen your grip on wanting to be with her.

      Lots of love, and hope all gets better,
    • Re: my little rant

      thanks laurajane :)

      really helping me out as usual :P everything you said is spot on so thanks

      me and her are trying to talk as if not much happened, like we did after we first kissed and both felt awkward, but its difficult and more awkward this time, like knowing what not to say, but we'll be good friends again before i know it

      thanks again :)
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: my little rant

      It's okay, just remember she wont feel too good about dumping you just like you don't feel good about getting dumped.

      The dumper always gets the guilty side of it too, and if she's willing to act like nothing ever happened, and is encouraging a friendship to start up again, it just shows how much she likes you and how she wants to be friends again - keep that in mind, the fact that she's making an effort with you, and not dumping you and then just shrugging you off.

      :) xx
    • Re: my little rant

      yeah she explained how sorry she was and truthfully too

      and she is a really good friend so im glad she is keeping the friendship despite whats happened

      :) thanks again

      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on